Findata Sells Your Medical Data

If you are from Finland, Findata is selling your medical data. They are doing this without your consent.

You can oppose selling your data by sending a message to THL Registry.

What is Findata and What are They Selling?

THL website says "Findata will operate in conjunction with the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare but separately from the Institute’s other activities."

They will be selling data from KELA, Kanta (2021), work history, family and marriage relationships, information about home, former homes and many others. According to Findata website, they will also combine data from (direct quote):

  • public service providers of social welfare and health care
  • Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
  • Social Insurance Institution of Finland (benefits and prescriptions)
  • National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health Valvira
  • regional state administrative agencies (matters relating to social welfare and health care)
  • Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (occupational illnesses, exposure tests, patient registers)
  • Finnish Medicines Agency Fimea
  • Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.

(end quote)

How to Oppose Selling Your Data

To oppose selling your medical data, fill "Lomake: Vastustamisoikeus" (Form: Right to Oppose, PDF). Login to with your bank credentials. Send a message with the PDF as attachment.

Opposing is made to look complicated, but it's easier than it looks.

The form asks for a reason. Probably "I don't want my personal data released" is reason enough.

If you find it difficult to fill the PDF, you can take a screenshot, then write over it in a paint program.

THL Findata website lists what you must enter to the message sent trough (direct quote from the website, in Finnish):

  1. Tunnistaudu henkilökohtaisilla pankkitunnuksilla, varmennekortilla tai mobiilivarmenteella
  2. Mene kohtaan ”Kirjoita viesti”
  3. Valitse viestin vastaanottajaksi ”Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos”
  4. Valitse vastaanottajan palveluksi tai asiaksi ”Kirjaamo”
  5. Kirjoita viestin aiheeksi ”Findata: rekisteröidyn oikeudet”
  6. Listaa viestikenttään ne oikeudet, joita haluat käyttää (voit käyttää lomakkeiden nimiä)
  7. Lisää täyttämäsi lomake tai lomakkeet liitetiedostoina kohtaan ”Lisää liitetiedostot tähän”
  8. Paina lopuksi ”Lähetä viesti” painiketta"

(end quote)