Hoto - extract tags and metadata from HTML and MAFF

Hoto - extract tags and metadata from HTML and MAFF

Would you like to have nice names for your stored web pages?

I just published hoto.

Python weppipalvelu - ideasta tuotantoon

Python weppipalvelu - ideasta tuotantoon

Your own Python web application. From idea to production, in 8 days.

Instagram, Pintrest and Disqus use Django - the exact same framework as the course. Youtube and Facebook are built with Python.

Update: 5.0 /5 feedback. Every participant gave feedback, every response was the best 5. Great students, great time! My comments on feedback.

Previous course feedback was 5.0 /5. Everyone gave feedback, each feedback was the best 5/5). Great mini-projects - I'm baffled by how much you could apply what you learned in just 7 days.

Enroll now in MyNet / Peppi.

Palvelinten Hallinta

Palvelinten Hallinta

Control 10, 100, 1000 many computers.

Or control 2071 computers, like Jussi did on a earlier course. Or handle 7 different operating systems and OS versions with a single master, like Matias.

Best instance got 5.0 / 5 feedback - all respondents gave the best grade 5.

Enroll 2024-05-15 w20 Wednesday at 08:00 in MyNet / Peppi.



Learn to hack computers to protect your own. In the course, you will break into target computers.

Excellent feedback, reached 5.0 out of 5. . Update: And latest instance just got 4.9/5 feedback, with 100% NPS.

Enroll 2024-05-15 w20 Wednesday at 08:00 in MyNet / Peppi.

Information Security

Information Security

Data security course, in English as you asked.

Understand adversarial view on security. Recognize key concepts of security. Be able to safely practice hands-on with security tools.

Enroll 2024-05-15 w20 Wednesday at 08:00 in MyNet / Peppi.

WebGoat with Podman

WebGoat with Podman

Ready-made Containerfile to that runs WebGoat 2023.4 on http://localhost:8888/WebGoat

WebGoat is a practice target to learn web penetration testing. Podman is a container tool. Similar to Docker, Podman can run applications in light virtual machines. Unlike Docker, Podman does not need root.

Making Zero Days

Making Zero Days

Otto has written some zero-days for cryptocurrencies. Joona authored a world-leading web fuzzer. Nikita can hack Active Directory.

And they all visited my penetration testing course, sharing their advice with me & my students.

View all 2024 posts, total 10 posts.

View all 2023 posts, total 23 posts.

View all 2022 posts, total 24 posts.

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