Linux Server Course - Linux palvelimet ict4tn021-3014 - alkukevät 2021

English: Learn to manage your own Linux server – in 8 weeks.
Beginners welcome. Student feedback excellent 4.7 out of 5. Course is in Finnish.
English: Learn to manage your own Linux server – in 8 weeks.
Beginners welcome. Student feedback excellent 4.7 out of 5. Course is in Finnish.
Automatically configure hundreds of computers while you sleep. To be more specific, schedule Salt state.apply to run every 15 minutes on slaves.
$ sudo salt '*' schedule.add tapply function='state.apply' minutes=15
Learn to hack computers to protect your own. In the course, you will break into target computers. Excellent 5.0 out of 5 feedback (every participant gave feedback, every feedback was 5/5).
Course is in late autumn 2020. Teaching is in Finnish.
Just write what you want (idempotency). Control almost everything with one system (single source of truth). In plain text (infrastructure as code, versionable).
Control 10 computers. Or 100. Or 1000. Or control 2071 computers, like Jussi did on a previous course. Or handle 7 different operating systems and OS versions with a single master, like Matias. Course is in Finnish.
Configuration management system implementing the Hidden Master architecture and Python based configuration. Single binary, no dependencies.
Hidden Master architecture protects against whole categories of attacks, including the type of latest critical Salt vulnerabilities.
WebGoat is a beginner friendly practice target for web penetration testing.
In this article, I'll install WebGoat 8 on Kali and Ubuntu using Java.
CinCan is a digital forensics toolkit.
In these short notes, I will install a development version of CinCan.
Your box got owned - but how?
Kimmo Linnavuo will teach CinCan digital forensics in my penetration testing course on w17 Tue. Kimmo works works as an information security specialist at Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom. He has taught CinCan in HelSec, FIRST and Disobey.
Lies, all lies. As seen in Disobey, and tested in the field.
Riku Juurikko teaches social engineering in my penetration testing course on w16 Tue. Riku works as a senior security manager in Elisa. He also leads Elisa Cyber Community.
If you are from Finland, Findata is selling your medical data. They are doing this without your consent.
You can oppose selling your data by sending a message to THL Registry.
Just write what you want (idempotency). Control almost everything with one system (single source of truth). In plain text (infrastructure as code, versionable).
Control 10 computers. Or 100. Or 1000. Or control 2071 computers, like Jussi did on a previous course. Or handle 7 different operating systems and OS versions with a single master, like Matias. Course is in Finnish.
All my courses are online for spring 2020.
I'll use Jitsi video conferencing, VirtualBox and Xubuntu Linux 18.04. In addition to Internet connection, you'll need headphones, a mic and a webcam. Some 30-40 GB of free disk space would be nice, too.
Learn security fundamentals to understand current trends.
Blockchains, TOR network and video conference encryption all stand on these fundamentals.
Can artificial intelligence pick suspicious log entries? My students Tuomo Kuure and Joni Hakala are training a model for that.
They use ELK to collect logs from multiple computers to an ElasticSearch NoSQL database. These log entries are then analysed with their own model using Python Tensorflow in a Docker container with GPU support.
Automatically create your database and HTML forms from your model. Short, convenient, but a bit abstract. Short notes.
If a tree falls in a forest and there are no clients, does it make a sound?
Deploy your web app production style. We'll use Apache2 mod_wsgi to install Flask "Hello world" app.
Templates make it easy to write valid HTML. Flask supports my favourite template engine, Jinja2.
Many popular websites use Python somewhere in their stack: Youtube, Facebook, Google and Dropbox. Flask web framework is used by Pinterest and LinkedIn.
With this article, you learn to install Python Flask and run a "Hello world" in development environment.
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
fmt.Println("Learn Go in one week - w22. ")
fmt.Println("Registration opens on w12 Monday. ")
Create your own ICT-infrastructure project. Completed projects included Lokarit, analysing logs with artificial intelligence. In Finnish.
Course is completed. Feedback was very good, 4.4 out five. More feedback in comments.
Graph line plots with plotly.js. Plotly is Free software under the MIT license.
Plotly works even if you miss a couple of data points. For example, if you have temperature for all days but Tuesday.
The command line used in Linux and BSD has survived the test of time. It existed before Google, Web, Linux, Windows and even before the Internet. It's also convenient, fast, expressive and easy to automate. I use it every day.
$ pwd
English: Learn to manage your own Linux server – in 8 weeks.
Beginners welcome. Student feedback excellent 4.7 out of 5. Course is in Finnish.
Update: Top feedback: 5.0 / 5. Yes, every participant gave feedback, and each feedback was the best grade 5. Thank you!
Learn to hack computers to protect your own. In the course, you will break into target computers. Previous instance had excellent 4.9 out of 5 feedback.
Course is in late spring 2020. Teaching is in Finnish. Enroll now in Peppi: Tunkeutumistestaus ict4tn027-3003.