Apply Salt State Every 15 Minutes
Automatically configure hundreds of computers while you sleep. To be more specific, schedule Salt state.apply to run every 15 minutes on slaves.
$ sudo salt '*' schedule.add tapply function='state.apply' minutes=15
This short article shows one way to do scheduled state.apply runs. I have not extensively used this method, but might move to it from an old one.
Start from a Working Salt Setup
This article start from a working Salt with some working idempotent configuration. If you're not there yet, start with Salt Quickstart – Salt Stack Master and Slave on Ubuntu Linux and Salt States – I Want My Computers Like This
Test that you can reach your slaves
$ sudo salt '*' hostname
Test your idempotent configuration
$ sudo salt '*' state.apply --state-output=terse
Name: /tmp/heippavaan - Function: file.managed - Result: Clean Started: - 12:19:21.091787 Duration: 20.79 m
Name: apache2 - Function: pkg.installed - Result: Clean Started: - 12:19:22.523383 Duration: 476.905 ms
// ..
Summary for tmaster
Succeeded: 7
Failed: 0
Total states run: 7
Total run time: 554.408 ms
List Scheduled Jobs
Let's see what tasks we have scheduled on slaves. If you want to remove all previous scheduled jobs, "sudo salt '*' schedule.purge", no undo.
$ sudo salt '*' schedule.list
No jobs yet.
Run state.apply Too Often - For Testing
Let's add a scheduled job. For testing purposes, we run this too often, twice a minute.
$ sudo salt '*' schedule.add applyTooOften function='state.apply' seconds=30
Here it is
$ sudo salt '*' schedule.list
enabled: true
function: state.apply
jid_include: true
maxrunning: 1
name: applyTooOften
seconds: 30
Let's test it by creating a new state, adding it to top file. But we will not run state.apply, we'll leave that to schedule.
On slave, let's check our test file is not there yet.
$ ls /tmp/tero
ls: cannot access '/tmp/tero': No such file or directory
Create a new state
$ sudo mkdir /srv/salt/tero/
$ sudoedit /srv/salt/tero/init.sls
# init.sls
So it should create an empty file.
Let's add it to our top file, so that it will be included in state.apply without specifying state name.
# /srv/salt/top.sls:
- tero # added this
- heippa
- apache
- ssh
Don't run state.apply. You don't need to. The scheduler will do it.
Let's see if the empty file appered on slave:
$ ls /tmp/tero
We can see the file, so configuration was applied automatically.
We can see job result on master
$ sudo salt-run jobs.last_run
Apply Every 15 Minutes
Let's use a sensible setting of applying configuration every 15 minutes.
Let's remove our test job that runs twice a minute. If you have scheduled other jobs, you should just remove the applylTooOften job, but here we remove all scheduled jobs.
$ sudo salt '*' schedule.purge
.. Deleted job: applyTooOften from schedule. ..
$ sudo salt '*' schedule.add tapply function='state.apply' minutes=15
Added job: tapply to schedule.
Well done, now the configuration is automatically applied every 15 minutes. Salt is awake even when you sleep.
What next? If you have a huge network, you might want to add some splay (randomization) to times so that all slaves don't run state.apply at the same time.