Docote - Read API Documentation Offline
CLI. Free GPL 3 license. Supports format.

Command line offline document reader for programmers, compatible - Docoto Read API docs offline. CLI, never leave the keyboard. Free download under GPL 3.

Supports compatible JSON dictionaries, including Python, Go, HTML, Postgre and many others.


Download Docote offline docs reader



Search for "sql" and "select", case insensitive AND search.

$ docote sql select
### postgre sql-select ###
SELECT SELECT, TABLE, WITH — retrieve rows from a table or view   Synopsis [ WITH [ RECURSIVE ] with_query [, ...] ]
SELECT [ ALL | DISTINCT [ ON ( expression [, ...] ) ] ]
    [ * | expression [ [ AS ] output_name ] [, ...] ]
    [ FROM from_item [, ...] ]

Supported dictionaries

Others have created dictionaries for Python, Go, Postgre, Apache, CSS, DOM, JavaScript, HTML 5, HTTP, Bash, GTK, Godot, jQuery, Leaflet, Lua, MariaDB, nginx, NumPy, Pandas, PHP, PyGame, Qt, Ruby, scikit, SQLite, SVG, TensorFlow, Terraform, Vagrant, Vulkan, Werkzeug and others.

Any dictionary in this simple JSON format works.

	"sample keyword": "sample value",
	"foo": "<h1>bar</h1><p>lorem ipsum</p>"


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This article has been updated multiple times after publishing.

Icon "fill_box_smart" from Clarity Icons by WMware, received under the MIT license.