Enroll Tero's courses - Now

Update: Many courses are now fully booked, but you can join the queue. Late enrollment opens 2022-01-03 w01 Mon 08:00.
Update: Over half of the places are booked, enroll quickly!
Update: Linux palvelimet (in Finnish) is fully booked, enroll to get a good place in the queue.
Spring 2022 course enrollment opens Monday 08:00.
Update: 30% of places booked (in a couple of hours). Enrollment is open right now.
Secure your systems & learn crypto currencies!
Monday 08:00 - enroll Tero's courses
Hello hackers and future crypto millionaires,
Enroll my spring courses Monday 08:00. All remote, and a some in English:
Data Security ICT4TF022-3008 - My take on security, in English as you asked. New course for me! Early spring.
Trust to Blockchain ICT4HM103-3003 Bitcoins, blockchains and TOR might be cool, but they all stand on the same fundamentals. Masters level only. Feedback 4.1/5. Late spring.
Puhutko suomea? Do you speak Finnish? Then check out my other 3 courses, including ethical hacking.
Want to see what I'm up to? Follow Tero's newsletter.
Set your alarms on Monday 08:00,
-- Tero
This article has been updated after publishing.