Books and Publications by Tero Karvinen
Tero Karvinen has published five books, including two #1 Amazon category best sellers. More than 460 000 half a million copies have been sold in 14 languages.
The books are available in Chinese complex, Chinese simplified, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Thai and Turkish. One of the books is the first Arduino book in Finnish. The books have been co-authored with Kimmo Karvinen and one with Ville Valtokari.
Popular Books
My books are available on Amazon in English.
Translations are available trough national book stores.

Peer Reviewed
IoT Rapid Prototyping Laboratory Setup

Karvinen, K. and Karvinen, T., 2018. IoT rapid prototyping laboratory setup. International Journal of Engineering Education, 34(1), pp.263-272. Download full text PDF.
Even novice engineers and non-technical students can design and build an Internet of Things (IoT) prototype in four days. We present a setup for rapid IoT prototyping in a classroom, identify necessary skills and combine these to a workshop that allows students to turn their ideas into prototypes. Arduino Uno is used for device prototyping and a Python program running on the same computer handles the needed Internet communications. A web server handles device and web client connectivity, logging and data monitoring. After the prototyping phase, the device can be ported to inexpensive and small ESP8266 based microcontroller. Our results indicate that this method is effective for learning IoT prototyping skills in a short time.
Keywords: embedded systems; ESP8266; free software; Internet of Things (IoT); rapid prototyping; novice engineering education

Karvinen, T. and Li, Shuliang 2017. Investigating Survivability of Configuration Management Tools in Unreliable and Hostile Networks. Proceedings of 2017 3rd International Conference on Information Management (ICIM 2017). Chengdu, China. 21 - 23 Apr 2017 IEEE . doi:10.1109/INFOMAN.2017.7950402
I was also an invited speaker and a member of technical committee in IEEE ICIM2017, Chengdu.

Karvinen, K., Tikka, T. and Praks, J., 2015. Using hobby prototyping boards and commercial-off-the-shelf (cots) components for developing low-cost, fast-delivery satellite subsystems. Journal of Small Satellites, 4(1), pp.301-314.
I developed a sun sensor for Finland's first own satellite, working as a part of the team. This article is not co-authored by me, but it's about this project. Our sensor was used in two satellites, Aalto 1 and Aalto 2 (mission video). It has also been investigated for use in Georgia Tech PROX-1 spacecraft.
Read about our low-cost satellite sun sensor prototyping environment, download sunsensor-botbook-com-latest.tar.gz.
There are quite a few references to my work, mostly to my popular books. Google Scholar search for "Tero Karvinen".