Study Cyber in Haaga Helia
Hacker studies? You can learn a lot of cyber security in Haaga-Helia.
Just offensive studies add up to 25 credits of courses + 15 credits for thesis. And there is more...
In Finnish, you can take "Tietoturva-asiantuntija" (Cyber security specialist) path. For international students, Haaga-Helia has growing number of cyber courses.
Cyber security & hacking courses

- Information Security 5 cr, in English.
- Tietoturvan perusteet 5 cr
- Tietoturvan hallinta 5 cr
- Tunkeutumistestaus (Penetration testing) 5 cr
- Sovellusten hakkerointi ja haavoittuvuudet (Application hacking and vulnerabilities 5 cr. In Finnish, but we have initial and unconfirmed plans to teach this in English.
- Verkkoon tunkeutuminen ja tiedustelu (Network attacks and recoinnassance) 5 cr.
- Cyber Security 5 cr. Master's level, YAMK. In English.
- ICT Infrastructure project 10 cr. In English. Possibility to do project on offensive security.
- Thesis. Many students write their thesis on infosec. 15 cr.
Visiting Hackers & Hacking Club
Haaga-Helia has a hacking club, run by students.
We get visiting hackers every now and then. We've had joohoi, whois, Ebeling, Arttu, Riku, Nikita and many others. Idanhurja, whois, Riku, Nikita and Arttu are coming this Spring.
Linux, cloud, 3D printing and other courses
Many courses touch information security, even when they are not primarily hacking courses.
Haaga-Helia study guide in Finnish: TRATI22
Haaga-Helia study guide in Finnish: ITBBA22
Most hacking courses require knowing Linux (Linux palvelimet) and networking.
Apply to Haaga-Helia
Apply to Haaga-Helia in Finnish, Tradenomi (AMK)
Apply to Haaga-Helia in English
Thanks to Women4Cyber for asking about cyber studies in Haaga-Helia. Thanks to the hackers visiting and teaching their tricks to students & me.
I've updated this page after publishing.