Linux Basics tie63f2 - 2005 Early Autumn

<< Tero's courses - (c) Tero Karvinen - Modified 2005-09-08


Week Subject
w35 Installation, Licenses, Distributions
w36 Desktop Linux
w37 Command Prompt
w38 Package Management and Administration
w39 Apache Web Server
w40 OpenSSH Server and Client
w41 Programming Tools
w42 Exam


Publish homework reports on your myy homepage on
Where a12345 is your student number and 1 is the number of the excercise (week number - 34).
Use normal html for publishing web pages. Each student does homework separatly and writes
his own report. You can of course advice fellow students if they get stuck. Homeworks must
be on the homepage by next Tuesday (latest 23:59).

h-1. Install Fedora Core (Deadline 2005-09-06).
h-2. Find Free Linux alternatives to programs you use often. Do your normal tasks with these programs. (Deadline 2005-09-12)
h-3. Try out the most important command line commands for normal user.
h-4. Try out most import commands for root. In addition to those learned on class, try also: route -n, cat /etc/resolv.conf, less /var/log/messages, w.

You can see some example solutions in old course pages.

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