Wireshark is the leading network sniffer and analyzer.
In this article, you'll learn to install Wireshark on Debian Linux.
You'll capture traffic and view statistics. Finally, you'll use display filters to extract DNS name queries and HTTP web surfing.
Tips for the first few challenges in Cryptopals.
Learn to break encryption. No math degree required. You do have to be able to code, though.

Review some Python basics to make hacking more convenient. Debugger giving you numbers (84) but you want letters ('T')?
This is about Python basics for supporting hacking. It can support your static analysis with Ghidra, debugging with GDB and ̣getting started with crypto hacking with Cryptopals. I do have many articles on hacking, too.

Write your first plugin for Micro editor.
Yours truly (Tero) is the author of
micro-jump plugin, and a contributor to
micro-lsp. With this beginner friendly tutorial,
you can create your first "hello world" plugin.
The plugin we write is very short, just nine lines of code. But here, I explain every little detail of it.
Templates make it easy to write valid HTML. Flask supports my favourite template engine, Jinja2.
Many popular websites use Python somewhere in their stack: Youtube, Facebook, Google and Dropbox. Flask web framework is used by Pinterest and LinkedIn.
With this article, you learn to install Python Flask and run a "Hello world" in development environment.