final lab
This is the evaluated lab exercise for Linux Server course. Student had an empty virtual Linux installation and free use of public Internet.
Course Linux palvelimet is in Finnish, so the rest of this page is in Finnish.
This is the evaluated lab exercise for Linux Server course. Student had an empty virtual Linux installation and free use of public Internet.
Course Linux palvelimet is in Finnish, so the rest of this page is in Finnish.
This is the evaluated lab exercise for Linux Server course. Student had an empty virtual Linux installation and free use of public Internet.
Course Linux palvelimet is in Finnish, so the rest of this page is in Finnish.

Final lab excersise for Linux server course "Linux palvelimet".
Feedback was excellent 4.8 out of 5. You can read feedback in comments.
Students had an empty virtual machine with Debian 10, and some hours to build systems for
an imaginary client.

Create a web page that shows custommers from a database. Prepare to manage your computer from Hawaii. Add a new command "netsee" to system that shows networking information. Create user accounts for five of your colleagues.
Students of my Linux Server Course used their own blank virtual machines and public Internet to solve these questions. Time limit was about five hours, with 40 min lunch break. Could you have done it?