Create your own project with your team.
You'll get the whole 10 cr to build your own project.
Previous student projects: evil USB keyboard, AI log analysis, physical access control, encrypted communications with free software, machine vision... What will you build?

Understand adversarial view on security. Recognize key concepts of security. Be able to safely practice hands-on with security tools.
Face-to-face in a real life classroom. In English.

Learn to manage your own Linux server – in 8 weeks.
100% remote. Weekly video conference + a lot of individual work. Beginners welcome. Excellent feedback. In Finnish.

Archived page. Are you looking for the latest Linux palvelimet course page?
Learn to manage your own Linux server – in 8 weeks.
100% remote. Weekly video conference + a lot of individual work. Beginners welcome. Excellent feedback. In Finnish.
Learn to hack computers to protect your own. In the course, you will break into target computers.
Excellent feedback, reached 5.0 out of 5.
. Update: And latest instance just got 4.9/5 feedback, with 100% NPS.
Enroll 2024-05-15 w20 Wednesday at 08:00 in MyNet / Peppi.

*Archived. Are you looking for the latest "Information Security" course page?
Data security course, in English as you asked.
Understand adversarial view on security. Recognize key concepts of security. Be able to safely practice hands-on with security tools.
Learn to hack computers to protect your own. In the course, you will break into target computers.
Excellent feedback, reached 5.0 out of 5.

Update: Check out our visitors!

Learn to manage your own Linux server – in 8 weeks.
100% remote. Weekly video conference + a lot of individual work. Beginners welcome. Excellent feedback. In Finnish.

Data security course, in English as you asked.
Understand adversarial view on security. Recognize key concepts of security. Be able to safely practice hands-on with security tools.
Learn to hack computers to protect your own. In the course, you will break into target computers.
Excellent feedback, reached 5.0 out of 5.

Learn to manage your own Linux server – in 8 weeks.
100% remote. Weekly video conference + a lot of individual work. Beginners welcome. Excellent feedback 4.8 out of 5. In Finnish.

Data security course, in English as you asked.
Understand adversarial view on security. Recognize key concepts of security. Be able to safely practice hands-on with security tools.
Learn to hack computers to protect your own. In the course, you will break into target computers.
Excellent feedback, 4.9 out of 5.

Learn to manage your own Linux server – in 8 weeks.
100% remote. Three hour video conference every Tuesday and Friday. Beginners welcome. Excellent feedback 4.8 out of 5. In Finnish.

Data security course, in English as you asked.
Understand adversarial view on security. Recognize key concepts of security. Be able to safely practice hands-on with security tools.
This course finished in Spring 2023.
Learn to hack computers to protect your own. In the course, you will break into target computers.
Excellent feedback, 4.9 out of 5.

Data security course, in English as you asked.
Understand adversarial view on security. Recognize key concepts of security. Be able to safely practice hands-on with security tools.

Learn to manage your own Linux server – in 8 weeks. Remotely, in evenings.
Beginners welcome. Excellent feedback.
4.8 out of 5. Course is in Finnish, 100% remote.
Learn to hack computers to protect your own.
In the course, you will break into target computers.
Excellent 4.9 out of 5 feedback from previous course.
Update: New visitor: Social Engineering with Riku Juurikko, Senior Security Manager, Elisa.
Update: New visitor: Forensic Analyses with Andrej Bondarenko, CEO, Difseco.
Update: New visitor: How to become invisible with Juho Jauhainen, Lead Incident Response Investigator, Accenture.

Learn to hack computers to protect your own.
Course is finished, feedback was 4.9 excellent. Thanks! Next course is Pentest 2022 spring.
In the course, you will break into target computers. Excellent feedback from 4.8 to 5.0 out of 5.
Only one seat left! Advanced course, I can usually get places to most of those who know the prerequisites well.Can't take more participants here. Next enrollment opens 2021-11-29 w48 Mon 08:00. The next course instance starts on 2022 w13.
Update: New visitor: Niklas Särökaari, F-Secure.
Update: New visitor: Mika Rautio, Senior Software Architect, Poplatek.

Learn to hack computers to protect your own. In the course, you will break into target computers.
Excellent feedback, last 4.9 out of 5; best 5.0 out of 5.

Update: two guests are coming: Riku Juurikko (Social engineering) and Mika Rautio (Credit card from hell).
Learn to hack computers to protect your own. In the course, you will break into target computers. Excellent 5.0 out of 5 feedback (every participant gave feedback, every feedback was 5/5).
Course is in late autumn 2020. Teaching is in Finnish.

package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
fmt.Println("Learn Go in one week - w22. ")
fmt.Println("Registration opens on w12 Monday. ")
Create your own ICT-infrastructure project. Completed projects included Lokarit, analysing logs with artificial intelligence. In Finnish.
Course is completed. Feedback was very good, 4.4 out five. More feedback in comments.

English: Learn to manage your own Linux server – in 8 weeks.
Beginners welcome. Student feedback excellent 4.7 out of 5. Course is in Finnish.
Update: Top feedback: 5.0 / 5. Yes, every participant gave feedback, and each feedback was the best grade 5. Thank you!
Learn to hack computers to protect your own. In the course, you will break into target computers. Previous instance had excellent 4.9 out of 5 feedback.
Course is in late spring 2020. Teaching is in Finnish. Enroll now in Peppi: Tunkeutumistestaus ict4tn027-3003.