

Learn to hack computers to protect your own. In the course, you will break into target computers.

Update: We have four great visitors coming, check agenda.

Excellent feedback, reached 5.0 out of 5. Full five stars

Trust to Blockchain 2024

Learn security fundamentals to understand current trends. Blockchains, TOR network and video conference encryption all stand on these fundamentals.

Excellent 4.9 out of 5 feedback.

Python weppipalvelu - ideasta tuotantoon

Your own Python web application. From idea to production, in 8 days.

Instagram, Pintrest and Disqus use Django - the exact same framework as the course. Youtube and Facebook are built with Python.

Update: 5.0 /5 feedback. Every participant gave feedback, every response was the best 5. Great students, great time! My comments on feedback.

Previous course feedback was 5.0 /5. Everyone gave feedback, each feedback was the best 5/5). Great mini-projects - I'm baffled by how much you could apply what you learned in just 7 days.

Enroll now in MyNet / Peppi.

New Course: Application Hacking

New course in autumn! Application hacking and vulnerabilities. In Finnish. Teaching together with Lari Iso-Anttila.

Enrollment starts 2024-05-15 w20 Wed at 08:00.Sold out , queue started. Please join un next year!

Tunkeutumistestaus 2024

Learn to hack computers to protect your own. In the course, you will break into target computers.

Excellent feedback, reached 5.0 out of 5. Full five stars

Update: Check out our visitors!

Trust to Blockchain 2023 autumn

Learn security fundamentals to understand current trends. Blockchains, TOR network and video conference encryption all stand on these fundamentals.

Excellent 4.9 out of 5 feedback.

Ethical Hacking 2023

Learn to hack computers to protect your own. In the course, you will break into target computers.

Excellent feedback, reached 5.0 out of 5. Full five stars

Python Web - Idea to Production - 2023

Your own Python web application. From idea to production, in 8 days.

Instagram, Pintrest and Disqus use Django - the exact same framework as the course. Youtube and Facebook are built with Python.

Course completed! Feedback 5.0 (everyone gave feedback, each feedback was 5/5). Great mini-projects - I'm baffled by how much you could apply what you learned in just 7 days.

New course coming up 2024 summer! Course starts 2024-05-20 w21 Mon. Enroll in Peppi / MyNet, enrollment opens 2023-11-27 w48 Mon at 08:00. This web page is for the past course.

Penetration testing course 2023

Learn to hack computers to protect your own. In the course, you will break into target computers.

Excellent feedback, 4.9 out of 5. Full five stars

Configuration Management Systems - Palvelinten Hallinta

Tux the Linux penguin

Just write what you want (idempotency). Control almost everything with one system (single source of truth). In plain text (infrastructure as code, versionable).

Control 10 computers. Or 100. Or 1000. Or control 2071 computers, like Jussi did on a previous course. Or handle 7 different operating systems and OS versions with a single master, like Matias. Course is in Finnish.

Previous instance got excellent 5.0 / 5 feedback - all respondents gave the best grade 5.

Trust to Blockchain 2022 autumn

Learn security fundamentals to understand current trends. Blockchains, TOR network and video conference encryption all stand on these fundamentals.

Excellent 4.9 out of 5 feedback.

Configuration management systems 2022

Tux the Linux penguin

Remotely control hundreds of machines, from cloud to laptop. Excellent 4.95/5 feedback, read student comments.

Linux course done, and now you want more? Your laptops keep moving around the network and go behind firewalls, but you still want to control them? You went to cloud, and have so many computers now?

Enroll Monday at 08:00 Want to study in the evening? There is a special evening version, which has some spots available.

New visitor: Juho Syrjänen, Fraktio: DevOps.

Trust to Blockchain 2022

Learn security fundamentals to understand current trends. Blockchains, TOR network and video conference encryption all stand on these fundamentals.

Enroll Monday 08:00 Enroll now, already 30% booked. 184% booked, queue started. Online, in English, in evenings, masters level. Very good 4.1 feedback

Penetration Testing Course 2022

Learn to hack computers to protect your own.

In the course, you will break into target computers.

Excellent 4.9 out of 5 feedback from previous course.

Update: New visitor: Social Engineering with Riku Juurikko, Senior Security Manager, Elisa.

Update: New visitor: Forensic Analyses with Andrej Bondarenko, CEO, Difseco.

Update: New visitor: How to become invisible with Juho Jauhainen, Lead Incident Response Investigator, Accenture.

Python Web Service From Idea to Production

Build Python web service and publish it to the world!

Enroll 2022-03-14 w11 Mon 08:00. Last instance was fully booked on the day enrollment started.

Previous feedback was excellent 4.9 out of 5. Intensive online course 2022 w21-w22.

Penetration Testing Course

Learn to hack computers to protect your own.

Course is finished, feedback was 4.9 excellent. Thanks! Next course is Pentest 2022 spring.

In the course, you will break into target computers. Excellent feedback from 4.8 to 5.0 out of 5.

Only one seat left! Advanced course, I can usually get places to most of those who know the prerequisites well.Can't take more participants here. Next enrollment opens 2021-11-29 w48 Mon 08:00. The next course instance starts on 2022 w13.

Update: New visitor: Niklas Särökaari, F-Secure.

Update: New visitor: Mika Rautio, Senior Software Architect, Poplatek.

Can You Control Hundred Computers?

Tux the Linux penguin

Remotely control hundreds of machines, from cloud to laptop. Excellent 4.95/5 feedback, read student comments.

Linux course done, and now you want more? Your laptops keep moving around the network and go behind firewalls, but you still want to control them? You went to cloud, and have so many computers now? Palvelinten hallinta ict4tn022-3014.

Yes, you can still enroll. Yes it's popular and yes there is a queue, but I can often fit many students from the queue.

Update: New visitor: Arttu Uskali, Head of Support, Upcloud

Update: New visitor: Juho Syrjänen, Fraktio

Configuration Management Systems - Palvelinten Hallinta - Spring 2021

Tux the Linux penguin

Just write what you want (idempotency). Control almost everything with one system (single source of truth). In plain text (infrastructure as code, versionable).

Control 10 computers. Or 100. Or 1000. Or control 2071 computers, like Jussi did on a previous course. Or handle 7 different operating systems and OS versions with a single master, like Matias. Course is in Finnish.

Python Web Service From Idea to Production

Build Python web service and publish it to the world!

New instance starting 2022 w21! Enroll 2022-03-14 w11 Mon 08:00.

Course completed! Feedback was excellent 4.9 out of 5. Thanks for taking my course!

You can read feedback in comments.

Intensive course on w21 and w22.

Enroll at 08:00 on Monday! Most seats were booked right after enrollment opened. Enrollment is open right now. Update: Only few seats left. Fully booked. Queue started, enroll quickly to get better position in the queue.

Penetration Testing Course 2021 Spring

Learn to hack computers to protect your own. In the course, you will break into target computers.

Excellent feedback, last 4.9 out of 5; best 5.0 out of 5. Full five stars

Update: two guests are coming: Riku Juurikko (Social engineering) and Mika Rautio (Credit card from hell).

Configuration Management Systems - Palvelinten Hallinta - Autumn 2020

Tux the Linux penguin

Just write what you want (idempotency). Control almost everything with one system (single source of truth). In plain text (infrastructure as code, versionable).

Control 10 computers. Or 100. Or 1000. Or control 2071 computers, like Jussi did on a previous course. Or handle 7 different operating systems and OS versions with a single master, like Matias. Course is in Finnish.

Configuration Management Systems - Palvelinten Hallinta - Spring 2020

Tux the Linux penguin

Just write what you want (idempotency). Control almost everything with one system (single source of truth). In plain text (infrastructure as code, versionable).

Control 10 computers. Or 100. Or 1000. Or control 2071 computers, like Jussi did on a previous course. Or handle 7 different operating systems and OS versions with a single master, like Matias. Course is in Finnish.

Remote Learning Tools for Tero's Courses

All my courses are online for spring 2020.

I'll use Jitsi video conferencing, VirtualBox and Xubuntu Linux 18.04. In addition to Internet connection, you'll need headphones, a mic and a webcam. Some 30-40 GB of free disk space would be nice, too.

Go Programming Course 2020 w22

Gopher the Go Mascot
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Learn Go in one week - w22. ")
	fmt.Println("Registration opens on w12 Monday. ")

Penetration Testing Course 2020 Spring - Tunkeutumistestaus ict4tn027-3003

Update: Top feedback: 5.0 / 5. Yes, every participant gave feedback, and each feedback was the best grade 5. Thank you!

Learn to hack computers to protect your own. In the course, you will break into target computers. Previous instance had excellent 4.9 out of 5 feedback.

Course is in late spring 2020. Teaching is in Finnish. Enroll now in Peppi: Tunkeutumistestaus ict4tn027-3003.