
ks - offline search MDN and other zip dictionaries

Can you code without the Internet?

What's an <article> and how do I upload a file? What if you could have a copy of Mozilla Developer Network at your fingertips, offline. You can keep your hands on the keyboard, it's TUI with interactive, real time fuzzy search.

Update: Install all dictionaries in one go. New dictionaries: Micro, commands, Arduino...


Calendar.txt syntax.

Keep your calendar in a plain text file.

Calendar.txt is versionable, supports all operating systems and easily syncs with Android mobile phone.

Translate Offline with AI

Traslate Spanish to English with Free Offline Translator LibreTranslate.

Now you can machine translate text fully offline, with no external services.

And yes, this includes the pre-trained machine learning models, works completely offline and is even Free software. So it's an nice and private alternative to Google Translate. Works with Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese and of course English.