
Study Cyber in Haaga Helia

Hacker studies? You can learn a lot of cyber security in Haaga-Helia.

Just offensive studies add up to 25 credits of courses + 15 credits for thesis. And there is more...

In Finnish, you can take "Tietoturva-asiantuntija" (Cyber security specialist) path. For international students, Haaga-Helia has growing number of cyber courses.

New Course: Network Attacks and Reconnaissance

New course in 2025 spring! Network Attacks and Reconnaissance. In Finnish. Teaching together with Lari Iso-Anttila.

Now offering three offensive courses

We're thinking in the lines of WLAN, RFID, maybe even some SDR sprinkled in.

New Course: Application Hacking

New course in autumn! Application hacking and vulnerabilities. In Finnish. Teaching together with Lari Iso-Anttila.

Enrollment starts 2024-05-15 w20 Wed at 08:00.Sold out , queue started. Please join un next year!