Hacker studies? You can learn a lot of cyber security in Haaga-Helia.
Just offensive studies add up to 25 credits of courses + 15 credits for thesis. And there is more...
In Finnish, you can take "Tietoturva-asiantuntija" (Cyber security specialist) path. For international students, Haaga-Helia has growing number of cyber courses.
New course in 2025 spring! Network Attacks and Reconnaissance. In Finnish. Teaching together with Lari Iso-Anttila.
Now offering three offensive courses
We're thinking in the lines of WLAN, RFID, maybe even some SDR sprinkled in.
New course in autumn! Application hacking and vulnerabilities. In Finnish. Teaching together with Lari Iso-Anttila.
Enrollment starts 2024-05-15 w20 Wed at 08:00.Sold out , queue started. Please join un next year!