
Python Web Service From Idea to Production

Build Python web service and publish it to the world!

Enroll 2022-03-14 w11 Mon 08:00. Last instance was fully booked on the day enrollment started.

Previous feedback was excellent 4.9 out of 5. Intensive online course 2022 w21-w22.

Python Web Service From Idea to Production

Build Python web service and publish it to the world!

New instance starting 2022 w21! Enroll 2022-03-14 w11 Mon 08:00.

Course completed! Feedback was excellent 4.9 out of 5. Thanks for taking my course!

You can read feedback in comments.

Intensive course on w21 and w22.

Enroll at 08:00 on Monday! Most seats were booked right after enrollment opened. Enrollment is open right now. Update: Only few seats left. Fully booked. Queue started, enroll quickly to get better position in the queue.