My student Miko Hirvelä was publishing his cryptomining profits every minute in 2022.
You can see the revenue (money earned by mining) and profit (after electricity). Investment costs are not included. You can see that times are changing, and it's getting difficult to mine with commodity hardware.
Are you on the plus side? Read how Miko created his dashboard and pull the sources from mikohir/Crypto-Mining-Monitoring.

Published Run plugin for Micro editor.

Press F5 to save and run the current file. Supports Go, Go test, Python 3, Lua and executable files.
Press F12 to 'make' the project, F9 to make in background. Also works in subdirectories of your project, thanks to MakeUp(tm) functionality.
To find academic sources quickly: Search Google Scholar (full text link is on the right, free of charge), check Journal JUFO level (level>0).
Once you find a good one, find related articles with Connected Papers.

Enter guarded buildings with social engineering. Craft the email that owns the box. Connect hostile drop boxes to target networks. Bypass two factor authentication.
Luckily for us, Riku is one of the good guys. He has helped securing companies by testing their security, with their permission. Now Riku works as a senior security manager in Elisa.
Riku gave a visiting class on social engineering on my ethical hacking course. Just like last time, audince was in awe.
Want to legally and safely try hacking? Right now, Elisa and other companies offer a security
Jump to any function, class or heading with F4. Go, JavaScript, Python, C... A plugin for micro editor.
And if you're writing books, Jump plugin creates a table of contents from MarkDown, and allows you to jump
to headings.
Automatically create your database and HTML forms from your model. Short, convenient, but a bit abstract. Short notes.