
Infra Project 2025

Create your own project with your team.

You'll get the whole 10 cr to build your own project.

Current 2025 projects:

SisuCTF Hack. Defend. Conquer. An Active Directory capture-the-flag competition for hackers.

Museum3D - Dive inside water filled cave. A 3D game for museum, using real 3D maps created by divers.

Previous student projects: evil USB keyboard, AI log analysis, physical access control, encrypted communications with free software, machine vision... What will you build?

Log Anomaly Detection With Artificial Intelligence

 Can artificial intelligence pick suspicious log entries? My students Tuomo Kuure and Joni Hakala are training a model for that.

They use ELK to collect logs from multiple computers to an ElasticSearch NoSQL database. These log entries are then analysed with their own model using Python Tensorflow in a Docker container with GPU support.