
Hack'n Fix

 Hack two web apps.

Then fix the vulnerabilites.

Python weppipalvelu - ideasta tuotantoon

Your own Python web application. From idea to production, in 8 days.

Instagram, Pintrest and Disqus use Django - the exact same framework as the course. Youtube and Facebook are built with Python.

Update: 5.0 /5 feedback. Every participant gave feedback, every response was the best 5. Great students, great time! My comments on feedback.

Previous course feedback was 5.0 /5. Everyone gave feedback, each feedback was the best 5/5). Great mini-projects - I'm baffled by how much you could apply what you learned in just 7 days.

Enroll now in MyNet / Peppi.

Fuffme - Install Web Fuzzing Target on Debian

Web fuzzers can find unlinked, hidden directories. They can also find vulnerabilities in query parameters.

This article shows you how to install ffufme pratice target and ffuf, the leading web fuzzer.

Python Web - Idea to Production - 2023

Your own Python web application. From idea to production, in 8 days.

Instagram, Pintrest and Disqus use Django - the exact same framework as the course. Youtube and Facebook are built with Python.

Course completed! Feedback 5.0 (everyone gave feedback, each feedback was 5/5). Great mini-projects - I'm baffled by how much you could apply what you learned in just 7 days.

New course coming up 2024 summer! Course starts 2024-05-20 w21 Mon. Enroll in Peppi / MyNet, enrollment opens 2023-11-27 w48 Mon at 08:00. This web page is for the past course.

Create a Web Page Using Github

You can quickly publish a web page using Github. Just by clicking a couple of buttons.

This is a beginner friendly article.

Extract HTML Files from HAR

Web browsing sessions can be saved as HAR files for debugging. "Save as HAR" is supported by Firefox, Chrome, OWASP ZAP and Burp.

This tool extracts HTML web pages from HAR file.

Python Web Service From Idea to Production

Build Python web service and publish it to the world!

Enroll 2022-03-14 w11 Mon 08:00. Last instance was fully booked on the day enrollment started.

Previous feedback was excellent 4.9 out of 5. Intensive online course 2022 w21-w22.

Python Web Service From Idea to Production

Build Python web service and publish it to the world!

New instance starting 2022 w21! Enroll 2022-03-14 w11 Mon 08:00.

Course completed! Feedback was excellent 4.9 out of 5. Thanks for taking my course!

You can read feedback in comments.

Intensive course on w21 and w22.

Enroll at 08:00 on Monday! Most seats were booked right after enrollment opened. Enrollment is open right now. Update: Only few seats left. Fully booked. Queue started, enroll quickly to get better position in the queue.

Hello Flask - Write a Python Web App

Python Flask 'Hello world' in Firefox Many popular websites use Python somewhere in their stack: Youtube, Facebook, Google and Dropbox. Flask web framework is used by Pinterest and LinkedIn.

With this article, you learn to install Python Flask and run a "Hello world" in development environment.

Line Plot with JavaScript - Plotly.js

Graph line plots with plotly.js. Plotly is Free software under the MIT license.

Plotly works even if you miss a couple of data points. For example, if you have temperature for all days but Tuesday.