Exam of Linux Basics dat8tf063-23 in Spring 2014

The lab exam of Linux Basics 23 was taken in lab. Students used a live USB to install Linux on an empty computer, then proceeded to set up services and users. Use of public web was allowed.

SuperFind Ltd

Welcome to SuperFind Ltd! You will be our IT department.

Desktop + Office

Install us a desktop. Our users need office software that’s easy to use and can open Microsoft Office documents (slides, word processor, spreadsheet…) well.

Homepages + Remote Use

Our users Veijo Veijari, Äijä Vähäkäähkä, Maija Maitoparta, John Doe and Håkan Petersson want to create homepages remotely.
Install and test required services. Create sample homepages.

Maija the Developer

Maija is a software developer. Put a sample Python program on her homedir (and call it foo.py, so that it’s /home/*/foo.py).
Aiming for a top grade? Create Maija a sample PHP “Hello world” page. Install required components.


Install TeroWatch

wget http://terokarvinen.com/qrs/terorep/pool/main/t/terorep/terorep_0.0.3_all.deb
sudo dpkg -i terorep_0.0.3_all.deb
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install terowatch openssh-server

To test the installation of terowatch, run command terowatch. It must respond with “TeroWatch is installed.”. Do not proceed before you have installed terowatch.

Rules briefly

Forbidden: Two-way communication, any items not specifically allowed, speaking without permission, looking at others’ monitors.
Forbidden: Paper notes, mobile phones, logging in to anything else but the local computer. It also forbidden to erase or falsify logs, browser history or any other history data.
Allowed: Browsing public web, using search engines
Teacher watching the exam could be monitoring your computers, hard drives, network and your monitor, and many other things, so don’t handle any data that’s secret in the real world. The exam room might be monitored by technical means, such as video and audio recording. When you login to Moodle or WinhaOpaali to perform the instructed tasks, your credentials will stay private.

The End

1. Test everything you have built. Put the tests visible on screen.
2. Take a screenshot with all the tests (Print Scrn key). Save it to the default location in your home directory.
4. Write a brief list of what works and what doesn’t. Put your list into ‘exam.txt’.
3. Check that the document you have written, exam.txt, has

  • Your full name
  • Student number
  • Workstation number (written on the bottom of your monitor, eg. “p27”)
  • All user names and passwords, including your own (sudo user) password
  • List of things that work
  • List of things that don’t work

4. Verify that screen does not lock automatically. Important with Unity (vanilla Ubuntu).
5. Make sure you gave me feedback, so that I can keep improving the course. Open feedback as a comment on the timetable page. You can write anything you like and you don’t have to repeat the questions, but here are some to get you started:

  • Did you learn something?
  • Is it usefull to you?
  • How do you plan to use your skills after the course?
  • How could the course be improved?
  • How was the test?
  • Would you recommend this course to your friends or collegues?

Numeric feedback to WinhaOpaali. Login is your student number without “a”, eg. “1234567”. Password is your Winha password.
Return exam.txt and the screenshot to Moodle test page. Teacher will evaluate the current state of your computer, the files are just additional input.
Good luck!

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