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HtmlPalaute 1.4

<< HtmlPalautteen etusivulle

2010-02-05 HtmlPalaute 1.4
- Translitterated scandics in generated file names
	- From ISO-8859-1 aka latin1 input
		- Input files are required to be latin1
	- Scandics are translitterated to ASCII, eg. "a with umlaut" to 'a'. 
- Updated limits
	- 3-Speed, 6-Worklife
- Updated libraries and tools
	- Python 2.5 -> 2.6, including related runtime DLL
	- Django 0.96.3 -> 1.1.1
	- And others

Last modified: 2010-02-05. Permanent url: http://www.iki.fi/karvinen/htmlpalaute_1_4.html

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