MYSQL - moduli

Mysql - Asentaa Mysql:n ja ylläpitää sitä. Asettaa mysql-root salasanan, jos ei vielä olemassa.

Ladattavissa täältä.


Testattu seuraavilla käyttöjärjestelmillä:

Xubuntu 12.10 32-bit

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64-bit

Debian 6.0 64-bit


├── manifests
│   ├── config.pp
│   ├── init.pp
│   ├── install.pp
│   ├── params.pp
│   └── service.pp


# Puppet module: mysql #

This module installs and manages mysql-server.
It also adds mysql root password.

# TODO before using  #

Check mysql::params for wanted specifications.
Change atleast '$password'.

# Sample usage #

include mysql

# Author #

Made by Sampo Tyllilä <>

# License #

This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

Manifests kansion sisältö:


# == Class: mysql
# This module manages mysql-server.
# === Parameters
# [*package*]  - The name of the package to install.
# [*service*]  - The name of the managed service.
# [*password*] - The password for mysql-root.
# === Examples
# See README for details.
# === Author
# Sampo Tyllilä 
class mysql (
        $package  = $mysql::params::package,
        $service  = $mysql::params::service,
        $password = $mysql::params::password
)       inherits mysql::params {

        include mysql::params, mysql::install, mysql::service, mysql::config



# == Class: mysql::install
# This module installs mysql-server.
# === Parameters
# [*package*] - The name of the package to install.
# === Author
# Sampo Tyllilä 
class mysql::install {
        package { $package:
                ensure     => latest,


# == Class: mysql::service
# This class manages mysql-server service.
# === Parameters
# [*service*] - The name of the managed service.
# === Requires
# The mysql::install class.
# === Author
# Sampo Tyllilä 
class mysql::service {
        service { $service:
                ensure  => running,
                enable  => true,
                require => Class['mysql::install'],


# == Class: mysql::config
# This class sets mysql-root password if not already set.
# === Parameters
# [*password*] - The password for mysql-root.
# === Subscribes
# The mysql::install class
# === Author
# Sampo Tyllilä 
class mysql::config {
        exec { 'set-mysql-password':
                subscribe   => Class['mysql::install'],
                refreshonly => true,
                unless      => "mysqladmin -uroot -p${password} status",
                path        => '/bin:/usr/bin',
                command     => "mysqladmin -uroot password ${password}",


# == Class: mysql::params
# This class manages the parameters of this mysql module.
# === Parameters
# [*package*]  - The name of the package to install.
# [*service*]  - The name of the managed service.
# [*password*] - The password for mysql-root.
# === Author
# Sampo Tyllilä 
class mysql::params {
        $package  = 'mysql-server'
        $service  = 'mysql'
        $password = 'ToBeChanged'