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Ubuntu Preseed


# labseed - automatic installation for labs - 
# (c) 2006 Tero Karvinen www.iki.fi/karvinen
# Still asks: Clock set to UTC, hostname. 

d-i     debconf/language     string en
d-i     debian-installer/language     string en_FI:en
d-i	debconf/language	string en

## Network Configuration
# Note that any hostname and domain names assigned from dhcp take
# precidence over values set here. However, setting the values still
# prevents the questions from being shown even if values come from dhcp.
d-i     netcfg/get_hostname     string xynor
d-i     netcfg/get_domain       string xynoria
d-i	netcfg/dhcp_hostname	string xynores
d-i     netcfg/disable_dhcp     boolean false

# Disable that annoying WEP key dialog.
d-i     netcfg/wireless_wep     string

# netcfg will choose an interface that has link if possible. This makes it
# skip displaying a list if there is more than one interface.
d-i     netcfg/choose_interface select auto

# Auto-confirm reboot
d-i     prebaseconfig/reboot_in_progress        note
## Mirror Settings
d-i     mirror/country          string enter information manually
d-i     mirror/http/hostname    string fi.archive.ubuntu.com
d-i     mirror/http/directory   string /ubuntu/
d-i     mirror/suite            string dapper
#d-i     mirror/http/proxy       string
# Alternatively, you can specify a disk to partition. The device name can
# be given in either devfs or traditional non-devfs format.
# For example, to use the first disk devfs knows of:
d-i     partman-auto/disk       string /dev/hdc
#d-i  partman-auto/choose_recipe         select \
#     All files in one partition (recommended for new users)

# This makes partman automatically partition without confirmation.
d-i	partman/confirm_write_new_label	boolean true
d-i     partman/choose_partition        select Finish partitioning and write changes to disk
d-i     partman/confirm                 boolean true

## Boot loader
# This is fairly safe to set, it makes grub install automatically to the MBR
# if no other operating system is detected on the machine.
d-i     grub-installer/only_debian      boolean true
# This one makes grub-installer install to the MBR if if finds some other OS
# too, which is less safe as it might not be able to boot that other OS.
d-i     grub-installer/with_other_os    boolean true
# Alternatively, if you want to install to a location other than the mbr,
# uncomment and edit these lines:
#d-i    grub-installer/bootdev          string (hd0,0)
#d-i    grub-installer/only-debian      boolean false
#d-i    grub-installer/with_other_os    boolean false
d-i     languagechooser/language-name-fb	select English
d-i     debian-installer/locale select en_DK.UTF-8

d-i     apt-setup/uri_type      select http
d-i     apt-setup/country       select enter information manually
d-i     apt-setup/hostname      string fi.archive.ubuntu.com
d-i     apt-setup/directory     string /ubuntu/
d-i     apt-setup/another       boolean false
d-i     apt-setup/security-updates      boolean true

## Timezone
d-i     tzconfig/gmt            boolean true
d-i     tzconfig/choose_country_zone/Europe select Helsinki
d-i     tzconfig/choose_country_zone_single boolean true
# Controls whether or not the hardware clock is set to UTC.
d-i clock-setup/utc boolean true

# You may set this to any valid setting for $TZ; see the contents of
# /usr/share/zoneinfo/ for valid values.
#d-i time/zone string US/Eastern
d-i time/zone string Europe/Helsinki

# Users
d-i          passwd/user-fullname            string Default User
d-i          passwd/username                 string def
#d-i          passwd/user-password-crypted  passwd $Fq2ScrPk$o5dnW/ojwdNeNIJnT8rTk/
d-i	     passwd/user-password password fedier
d-i          passwd/user-password-again password fedier

## Package selection
# You can choose to install any combination of tasks that are available.
# Available tasks as of this writing include: Desktop environment,
# Web server, Print server, DNS server, File server, Mail server,
# SQL database, manual package selection. The last of those will run
# aptitude. You can also choose to install no tasks, and force the
# installation of a set of packages in some other way.
# XXX: this will not work until tasksel 2.12 is available
#tasksel                tasksel/first   multiselect Desktop environment
#tasksel        tasksel/first   multiselect Web server, Mail server, DNS server
#tasksel        tasksel/first   multiselect spanish

# During a normal install, exim asks only two questions. Here's how to
# avoid even those. More complicated preseeding is possible.
exim4-config    exim4/dc_eximconfig_configtype  select no configuration at this time
exim4-config    exim4/dc_postmaster             string

## X Configuration
# Preseeding Debian's X config is possible, but you probably need to know
# some details about the video hardware of the machine, since Debian's X
# configurator does not do fully automatic configuration of everything.

# X can detect the right driver for some cards, but if you're preseeding,
# you override whatever it chooses. Still, vesa will work most places.
#xserver-xorg        xserver-xorg/config/device/driver    select vesa

# A caveat with mouse autodetection is that if it fails, X will retry it
# over and over. So if it's preseeded to be done, there is a possibility of
# an infinite loop if the mouse is not autodetected.
#xserver-xorg        xserver-xorg/autodetect_mouse        boolean true

xserver-xorg         xserver-xorg/autodetect_monitor      boolean true
xserver-xorg xserver-xorg/config/monitor/selection-method select medium
xserver-xorg xserver-xorg/config/monitor/mode-list        select 1024x768 @ 60 Hz
xserver-xorg xserver-xorg/config/display/modes            multiselect 1024x768, 800x600

# Things below here slurped in from data/debconf snippet if it exists
aide    aide/aideinit   boolean false
aide    aide/newlibdir  boolean false
aide    aideinit/copynew        boolean false
aide    aideinit/overwritenew   boolean true
logcheck-database       logcheck-database/conffile-cleanup      boolean false
tripwire        tripwire/local-passphrase       password
tripwire        tripwire/local-passphrase-again password
tripwire        tripwire/local-passphrase-incorrect     boolean false
tripwire        tripwire/rebuild-config boolean true
tripwire        tripwire/rebuild-policy boolean true
tripwire        tripwire/site-passphrase        password
tripwire        tripwire/site-passphrase-again  password
tripwire        tripwire/site-passphrase-incorrect      boolean false
tripwire        tripwire/upgrade        boolean true
tripwire        tripwire/use-localkey   boolean false
tripwire        tripwire/use-sitekey    boolean false

d-i finish-install/reboot_in_progress note
d-i cdrom-detect/eject boolean false

List of d-i Settings in Ubuntu Hardy

Collect all d-i settings (thanks, Henrik):

$ sudo debconf-get-selections --install>debconf-get-selections-install

Grep for settings of interest:

$ grep proxy debconf-get-selections-install 
hwtest	hwtest/plugins/proxy_info/https_proxy	string	
hwtest	hwtest/plugins/proxy_info/http_proxy	string	
# Again
wvdial	wvdial/passphrase2	password	
# Passphrase
wvdial	wvdial/passphrase	password	
# HTTPS Proxy
hwtest	hwtest/plugins/proxy_info/https_proxy	string	
# Selecting system's default wordlist:
# Choices: american (American English), british (British English), francais (French), Manual symlinks setting
dictionaries-common	dictionaries-common/default-wordlist	select	american (American English)
# Time zone:
# Choices: Adelaide, Brisbane, Broken Hill, Canberra, Currie, Darwin, Eucla, Hobart, Lindeman, Lord Howe, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, Yancowinna
tzdata	tzdata/Zones/Australia	select	
# Do you want system-wide readable home directories?
adduser	adduser/homedir-permission	boolean	true
# What would you like to do about ?
# Choices: install the package maintainer's version, keep the local version currently installed, show the differences between the versions, show a side-by-side difference between the versions, start a new shell to examine the situation
ucf	ucf/changeprompt	select	keep_current
# Keyboard layout:
# Choices: USA - Alternative international (former us_intl), USA - Classic Dvorak, USA - Colemak, USA - Dvorak international, USA - Dvorak, USA - Group toggle on multiply/divide key, USA - International (AltGr dead keys), USA - International (with dead keys), USA - Left handed Dvorak, USA - Macintosh, USA - Right handed Dvorak, USA - Russian phonetic, USA - With EuroSign on 5, USA
console-setup	console-setup/variant	select	USA
# Internet service provider's telephone number
wvdial	wvdial/phone	string	
# Services to restart for PAM library upgrade:
libpam0g	libpam0g/restart-services	string	
# An invalid debconf value [] has been found
dictionaries-common	dictionaries-common/invalid_debconf_value	note	
# Time zone:
# Choices: Aden, Almaty, Amman, Anadyr, Aqtau, Aqtobe, Ashgabat, Baghdad, Bahrain, Baku, Bangkok, Beirut, Bishkek, Brunei, Choibalsan, Chongqing, Colombo, Damascus, Dhaka, Dili, Dubai, Dushanbe, Gaza, Harbin, Ho Chi Minh City, Hong Kong, Hovd, Irkutsk, Istanbul, Jakarta, Jayapura, Jerusalem, Kabul, Kamchatka, Karachi, Kashgar, Katmandu, Kolkata, Krasnoyarsk, Kuala Lumpur, Kuching, Kuwait, Macau, Magadan, Makassar, Manila, Muscat, Nicosia, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Oral, Phnom Penh, Pontianak, Pyongyang, Qatar, Qyzylorda, Rangoon, Riyadh, Riyadh87, Riyadh88, Riyadh89, Sakhalin, Samarkand, Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore, Taipei, Tashkent, Tbilisi, Tehran, Tel Aviv, Thimphu, Tokyo, Ujung Pandang, Ulaanbaatar, Urumqi, Vientiane, Vladivostok, Yakutsk, Yekaterinburg, Yerevan
tzdata	tzdata/Zones/Asia	select	
# File not found
flashplugin-nonfree	flashplugin-nonfree/not_exist	error	
# Do you want CUPS to print unknown jobs as raw jobs?
cupsys	cupsys/raw-print	boolean	true
# Choose software to install:
# Choices: 
tasksel	tasksel/first	multiselect	
# Select certificates to activate:
# Choices: brasil.gov.br/brasil.gov.br.crt, cacert.org/class3.crt, cacert.org/root.crt, debconf.org/ca.crt, mozilla/ABAecom_=sub.__Am._Bankers_Assn.=_Root_CA.crt, mozilla/AOL_Time_Warner_Root_Certification_Authority_1.crt, mozilla/AOL_Time_Warner_Root_Certification_Authority_2.crt, mozilla/AddTrust_External_Root.crt, mozilla/AddTrust_Low-Value_Services_Root.crt, mozilla/AddTrust_Public_Services_Root.crt, mozilla/AddTrust_Qualified_Certificates_Root.crt, mozilla/America_Online_Root_Certification_Authority_1.crt, mozilla/America_Online_Root_Certification_Authority_2.crt, mozilla/Baltimore_CyberTrust_Root.crt, mozilla/Certum_Root_CA.crt, mozilla/Comodo_AAA_Services_root.crt, mozilla/Comodo_Secure_Services_root.crt, mozilla/Comodo_Trusted_Services_root.crt, mozilla/Digital_Signature_Trust_Co._Global_CA_1.crt, mozilla/Digital_Signature_Trust_Co._Global_CA_2.crt, mozilla/Digital_Signature_Trust_Co._Global_CA_3.crt, mozilla/Digital_Signature_Trust_Co._Global_CA_4.crt, mozilla/Entrust.net_Global_Secure_Personal_CA.crt, mozilla/Entrust.net_Global_Secure_Server_CA.crt, mozilla/Entrust.net_Premium_2048_Secure_Server_CA.crt, mozilla/Entrust.net_Secure_Personal_CA.crt, mozilla/Entrust.net_Secure_Server_CA.crt, mozilla/Equifax_Secure_CA.crt, mozilla/Equifax_Secure_Global_eBusiness_CA.crt, mozilla/Equifax_Secure_eBusiness_CA_1.crt, mozilla/Equifax_Secure_eBusiness_CA_2.crt, mozilla/GTE_CyberTrust_Global_Root.crt, mozilla/GTE_CyberTrust_Root_CA.crt, mozilla/GeoTrust_Global_CA.crt, mozilla/GlobalSign_Root_CA.crt, mozilla/IPS_CLASE1_root.crt, mozilla/IPS_CLASE3_root.crt, mozilla/IPS_CLASEA1_root.crt, mozilla/IPS_CLASEA3_root.crt, mozilla/IPS_Chained_CAs_root.crt, mozilla/IPS_Servidores_root.crt, mozilla/IPS_Timestamping_root.crt, mozilla/QuoVadis_Root_CA.crt, mozilla/RSA_Root_Certificate_1.crt, mozilla/RSA_Security_1024_v3.crt, mozilla/RSA_Security_2048_v3.crt, mozilla/Security_Communication_Root_CA.crt, mozilla/Sonera_Class_1_Root_CA.crt, mozilla/Sonera_Class_2_Root_CA.crt, mozilla/Staat_der_Nederlanden_Root_CA.crt, mozilla/TC_TrustCenter__Germany__Class_2_CA.crt, mozilla/TC_TrustCenter__Germany__Class_3_CA.crt, mozilla/TDC_Internet_Root_CA.crt, mozilla/TDC_OCES_Root_CA.crt, mozilla/Thawte_Personal_Basic_CA.crt, mozilla/Thawte_Personal_Freemail_CA.crt, mozilla/Thawte_Personal_Premium_CA.crt, mozilla/Thawte_Premium_Server_CA.crt, mozilla/Thawte_Server_CA.crt, mozilla/Thawte_Time_Stamping_CA.crt, mozilla/UTN-USER_First-Network_Applications.crt, mozilla/UTN_DATACorp_SGC_Root_CA.crt, mozilla/UTN_USERFirst_Email_Root_CA.crt, mozilla/UTN_USERFirst_Hardware_Root_CA.crt, mozilla/UTN_USERFirst_Object_Root_CA.crt, mozilla/ValiCert_Class_1_VA.crt, mozilla/ValiCert_Class_2_VA.crt, mozilla/Verisign_Class_1_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority.crt, mozilla/Verisign_Class_1_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G2.crt, mozilla/Verisign_Class_1_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G3.crt, mozilla/Verisign_Class_1_Public_Primary_OCSP_Responder.crt, mozilla/Verisign_Class_2_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority.crt, mozilla/Verisign_Class_2_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G2.crt, mozilla/Verisign_Class_2_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G3.crt, mozilla/Verisign_Class_2_Public_Primary_OCSP_Responder.crt, mozilla/Verisign_Class_3_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority.crt, mozilla/Verisign_Class_3_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G2.crt, mozilla/Verisign_Class_3_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G3.crt, mozilla/Verisign_Class_3_Public_Primary_OCSP_Responder.crt, mozilla/Verisign_Class_4_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G2.crt, mozilla/Verisign_Class_4_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G3.crt, mozilla/Verisign_RSA_Secure_Server_CA.crt, mozilla/Verisign_Secure_Server_OCSP_Responder.crt, mozilla/Verisign_Time_Stamping_Authority_CA.crt, mozilla/Visa_International_Global_Root_2.crt, mozilla/Visa_eCommerce_Root.crt, mozilla/beTRUSTed_Root_CA-Baltimore_Implementation.crt, mozilla/beTRUSTed_Root_CA.crt, mozilla/beTRUSTed_Root_CA_-_Entrust_Implementation.crt, mozilla/beTRUSTed_Root_CA_-_RSA_Implementation.crt, quovadis.bm/QuoVadis_Root_Certification_Authority.crt, signet.pl/signet_ca1_pem.crt, signet.pl/signet_ca2_pem.crt, signet.pl/signet_ca3_pem.crt, signet.pl/signet_ocspklasa2_pem.crt, signet.pl/signet_ocspklasa3_pem.crt, signet.pl/signet_pca2_pem.crt, signet.pl/signet_pca3_pem.crt, signet.pl/signet_rootca_pem.crt, signet.pl/signet_tsa1_pem.crt, spi-inc.org/SPI_CA_2006-cacert.crt, spi-inc.org/spi-ca.crt
ca-certificates	ca-certificates/enable_crts	multiselect	brasil.gov.br/brasil.gov.br.crt, cacert.org/class3.crt, cacert.org/root.crt, debconf.org/ca.crt, mozilla/ABAecom_=sub.__Am._Bankers_Assn.=_Root_CA.crt, mozilla/AOL_Time_Warner_Root_Certification_Authority_1.crt, mozilla/AOL_Time_Warner_Root_Certification_Authority_2.crt, mozilla/AddTrust_External_Root.crt, mozilla/AddTrust_Low-Value_Services_Root.crt, mozilla/AddTrust_Public_Services_Root.crt, mozilla/AddTrust_Qualified_Certificates_Root.crt, mozilla/America_Online_Root_Certification_Authority_1.crt, mozilla/America_Online_Root_Certification_Authority_2.crt, mozilla/Baltimore_CyberTrust_Root.crt, mozilla/Certum_Root_CA.crt, mozilla/Comodo_AAA_Services_root.crt, mozilla/Comodo_Secure_Services_root.crt, mozilla/Comodo_Trusted_Services_root.crt, mozilla/Digital_Signature_Trust_Co._Global_CA_1.crt, mozilla/Digital_Signature_Trust_Co._Global_CA_2.crt, mozilla/Digital_Signature_Trust_Co._Global_CA_3.crt, mozilla/Digital_Signature_Trust_Co._Global_CA_4.crt, mozilla/Entrust.net_Global_Secure_Personal_CA.crt, mozilla/Entrust.net_Global_Secure_Server_CA.crt, mozilla/Entrust.net_Premium_2048_Secure_Server_CA.crt, mozilla/Entrust.net_Secure_Personal_CA.crt, mozilla/Entrust.net_Secure_Server_CA.crt, mozilla/Equifax_Secure_CA.crt, mozilla/Equifax_Secure_Global_eBusiness_CA.crt, mozilla/Equifax_Secure_eBusiness_CA_1.crt, mozilla/Equifax_Secure_eBusiness_CA_2.crt, mozilla/GTE_CyberTrust_Global_Root.crt, mozilla/GTE_CyberTrust_Root_CA.crt, mozilla/GeoTrust_Global_CA.crt, mozilla/GlobalSign_Root_CA.crt, mozilla/IPS_CLASE1_root.crt, mozilla/IPS_CLASE3_root.crt, mozilla/IPS_CLASEA1_root.crt, mozilla/IPS_CLASEA3_root.crt, mozilla/IPS_Chained_CAs_root.crt, mozilla/IPS_Servidores_root.crt, mozilla/IPS_Timestamping_root.crt, mozilla/QuoVadis_Root_CA.crt, mozilla/RSA_Root_Certificate_1.crt, mozilla/RSA_Security_1024_v3.crt, mozilla/RSA_Security_2048_v3.crt, mozilla/Security_Communication_Root_CA.crt, mozilla/Sonera_Class_1_Root_CA.crt, mozilla/Sonera_Class_2_Root_CA.crt, mozilla/Staat_der_Nederlanden_Root_CA.crt, mozilla/TC_TrustCenter__Germany__Class_2_CA.crt, mozilla/TC_TrustCenter__Germany__Class_3_CA.crt, mozilla/TDC_Internet_Root_CA.crt, mozilla/TDC_OCES_Root_CA.crt, mozilla/Thawte_Personal_Basic_CA.crt, mozilla/Thawte_Personal_Freemail_CA.crt, mozilla/Thawte_Personal_Premium_CA.crt, mozilla/Thawte_Premium_Server_CA.crt, mozilla/Thawte_Server_CA.crt, mozilla/Thawte_Time_Stamping_CA.crt, mozilla/UTN-USER_First-Network_Applications.crt, mozilla/UTN_DATACorp_SGC_Root_CA.crt, mozilla/UTN_USERFirst_Email_Root_CA.crt, mozilla/UTN_USERFirst_Hardware_Root_CA.crt, mozilla/UTN_USERFirst_Object_Root_CA.crt, mozilla/ValiCert_Class_1_VA.crt, mozilla/ValiCert_Class_2_VA.crt, mozilla/Verisign_Class_1_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority.crt, mozilla/Verisign_Class_1_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G2.crt, mozilla/Verisign_Class_1_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G3.crt, mozilla/Verisign_Class_1_Public_Primary_OCSP_Responder.crt, mozilla/Verisign_Class_2_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority.crt, mozilla/Verisign_Class_2_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G2.crt, mozilla/Verisign_Class_2_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G3.crt, mozilla/Verisign_Class_2_Public_Primary_OCSP_Responder.crt, mozilla/Verisign_Class_3_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority.crt, mozilla/Verisign_Class_3_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G2.crt, mozilla/Verisign_Class_3_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G3.crt, mozilla/Verisign_Class_3_Public_Primary_OCSP_Responder.crt, mozilla/Verisign_Class_4_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G2.crt, mozilla/Verisign_Class_4_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G3.crt, mozilla/Verisign_RSA_Secure_Server_CA.crt, mozilla/Verisign_Secure_Server_OCSP_Responder.crt, mozilla/Verisign_Time_Stamping_Authority_CA.crt, mozilla/Visa_International_Global_Root_2.crt, mozilla/Visa_eCommerce_Root.crt, mozilla/beTRUSTed_Root_CA-Baltimore_Implementation.crt, mozilla/beTRUSTed_Root_CA.crt, mozilla/beTRUSTed_Root_CA_-_Entrust_Implementation.crt, mozilla/beTRUSTed_Root_CA_-_RSA_Implementation.crt, quovadis.bm/QuoVadis_Root_Certification_Authority.crt, signet.pl/signet_ca1_pem.crt, signet.pl/signet_ca2_pem.crt, signet.pl/signet_ca3_pem.crt, signet.pl/signet_ocspklasa2_pem.crt, signet.pl/signet_ocspklasa3_pem.crt, signet.pl/signet_pca2_pem.crt, signet.pl/signet_pca3_pem.crt, signet.pl/signet_rootca_pem.crt, signet.pl/signet_tsa1_pem.crt, spi-inc.org/SPI_CA_2006-cacert.crt, spi-inc.org/spi-ca.crt
# Interface to use:
# Choices: Dialog, Readline, Gnome, Kde, Editor, Noninteractive
debconf	debconf/frontend	select	Dialog
# Time zone:
# Choices: GMT, GMT+0, GMT+1, GMT+10, GMT+11, GMT+12, GMT+2, GMT+3, GMT+4, GMT+5, GMT+6, GMT+7, GMT+8, GMT+9, GMT-0, GMT-1, GMT-10, GMT-11, GMT-12, GMT-13, GMT-14, GMT-2, GMT-3, GMT-4, GMT-5, GMT-6, GMT-7, GMT-8, GMT-9, GMT0, Greenwich, UCT, UTC, Universal, Zulu
tzdata	tzdata/Zones/Etc	select	UTC
# Services to restart to make them use the new libraries:
libssl0.9.8	libssl0.9.8/restart-services	string	
# Select new certificates to activate:
# Choices: 
ca-certificates	ca-certificates/new_crts	multiselect	
# internal use only
x11-common	x11-common/xwrapper/actual_allowed_users	string	console
# Time zone:
tzdata	tzdata/Zones/SystemV	select	
# Prefer speed over quality while rendering?
x-ttcidfont-conf	x-ttcidfont-conf/xtt_vl	boolean	
# Organisational Unit Name
ssl-cert	make-ssl-cert/ouname	string	One Organization Unit
# Non-authoritative version of DHCP server
dhcp3-server	dhcp3-server/new_auth_behavior	note	
# Use kernel framebuffer device interface?
xserver-xorg	xserver-xorg/config/device/use_fbdev	boolean	false
# Host Name
ssl-cert	make-ssl-cert/hostname	string	localhost
# Encoding on the console:
# Choices: ARMSCII-8, CP1251, CP1255, CP1256, GEORGIAN-ACADEMY, GEORGIAN-PS, IBM1133, ISIRI-3342, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-10, ISO-8859-11, ISO-8859-13, ISO-8859-14, ISO-8859-15, ISO-8859-16, ISO-8859-2, ISO-8859-3, ISO-8859-4, ISO-8859-5, ISO-8859-6, ISO-8859-7, ISO-8859-8, ISO-8859-9, KOI8-R, KOI8-U, TIS-620, UTF-8, VISCII
console-setup	console-setup/charmap	select	UTF-8
# for internal use
console-setup	console-setup/layoutcode	string	us
# Remove inetd entries?
# Choices: yes, no
update-inetd	update-inetd/ask-remove-entries	select	no
# Keyboard variant:
xserver-xorg	xserver-xorg/config/inputdevice/keyboard/variant	string	
# Network interfaces on which the DHCP server should listen:
dhcp3-server	dhcp3-server/interfaces	string	
# Font size:
# Choices: 15, 16
console-setup	console-setup/fontsize-text	select	16
# Compose key:
# Choices: No compose key, Right Alt, Right Logo key, Right Control, Menu key, Caps Lock
console-setup	console-setup/compose	select	No compose key
# Problems rebuilding an  hash file ()
dictionaries-common	dictionaries-common/ispell-autobuildhash-message	note	
# Enable subpixel rendering for screen:
# Choices: Automatic, Always, Never
fontconfig-config	fontconfig/subpixel_rendering	select	Never
# Default values for ispell dictionary/wordlist are not set here
dictionaries-common	dictionaries-common/selecting_ispell_wordlist_default	note	
# Country Name
ssl-cert	make-ssl-cert/countryname	string	GB
# Use paranoid settings in hosts.allow and hosts.deny?
tcpd	tcpd/paranoid-mode	boolean	false
# Nice value for the X server:
x11-common	x11-common/xwrapper/nice_value	string	0
# Numerical value needed
xserver-xorg	xserver-xorg/config/nonnumeric_string_error	note	
# for internal use
console-setup	console-setup/optionscode	string	
# Printer communication backends:
# Choices: ipp, lpd, parallel, scsi, serial, socket, usb, snmp, dnssd
cupsys	cupsys/backend	multiselect	ipp, lpd, parallel, scsi, serial, socket, usb, snmp, dnssd
# Launchpad E-mail
hwtest	hwtest/plugins/exchange_prompt/email	string	
# for internal use
popularity-contest	popularity-contest/submiturls	string	
# The font file names have changed!
console-terminus	console-terminus/new_file_names	note	
# Passphrases must match
wvdial	wvdial/passphrases_mismatch	note	
# Time zone:
# Choices: Longyearbyen
tzdata	tzdata/Zones/Arctic	select	
# Should mandb build its database now?
man-db	man-db/build-database	boolean	true
# Change in default behaviour of the next-server directive
dhcp3-server	dhcp3-server/new_next-server_behaviour	note	
# Invalid double-quote characters
xserver-xorg	xserver-xorg/config/doublequote_in_string_error	note	
# Keyboard layout:
xserver-xorg	xserver-xorg/config/inputdevice/keyboard/layout	string	us
# Would you like debconf to create magicfilter filters?
pnm2ppa	pnm2ppa/create_magicfilter	boolean	false
# Choose software to install:
# Choices: 
tasksel	tasksel/tasks	multiselect	
# Time zone:
# Choices: Apia, Auckland, Chatham, Easter, Efate, Enderbury, Fakaofo, Fiji, Funafuti, Galapagos, Gambier, Guadalcanal, Guam, Honolulu, Johnston, Kiritimati, Kosrae, Kwajalein, Majuro, Marquesas, Midway, Nauru, Niue, Norfolk, Noumea, Pago Pago, Palau, Pitcairn, Ponape, Port Moresby, Rarotonga, Saipan, Samoa, Tahiti, Tarawa, Tongatapu, Truk, Wake, Wallis, Yap
tzdata	tzdata/Zones/Pacific	select	
# Incorrect nice value
x11-common	x11-common/xwrapper/nice_value/error	note	
# for internal use only
gdm	gdm/daemon_name	string	/usr/sbin/gdm
# Selecting system's default ispell dictionary:
# Choices: american (American English), british (British English), francais GUTenberg (French GUTenberg), francais GUTenberg latin1 (French GUTenberg latin1), francais GUTenberg TeX8b (French GUTenberg TeX8b), Manual symlinks setting
dictionaries-common	dictionaries-common/default-ispell	select	american (American English)
# To reduce network traffic use a IP multicast enabled kernel
libslp1	libslp1/multicast	error	
# Font tuning method for screen:
# Choices: Native, Autohinter, None
fontconfig-config	fontconfig/hinting_type	select	Native
# The origin of the keyboard:
# Choices: Afghanistan, Albania, Andorra, Arabic, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Braille, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, China, Congo\, Democratic Republic of the, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Esperanto, Estonia, Ethiopia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guinea, Hungary, Iceland, India, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan (PC-98xx Series), Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea\, Republic of, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latin American, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Maldives, Malta, Maori, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Myanmar, Nepal, Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, USA, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Uzbekistan, Vietnam
console-setup	console-setup/layout	select	USA
# Sound system to use:
# Choices: ALSA, OSS, default
linux-sound-base	linux-sound-base/sound_system	select	ALSA
# Disable inetd entries?
# Choices: yes, no
update-inetd	update-inetd/ask-disable-entries	select	no
# Participate in the package usage survey?
popularity-contest	popularity-contest/participate	boolean	false
# Time zone:
# Choices: Casey, Davis, Dumont d'Urville, Mawson, McMurdo (South Pole), Palmer, Rothera, Syowa, Vostok
tzdata	tzdata/Zones/Antarctica	select	
# What would you like to do about ?
# Choices: install the package maintainer's version, keep the local version currently installed, show the differences between the versions, show a side-by-side difference between the versions, show a 3-way difference between available versions, do a 3-way merge between available versions (experimental), start a new shell to examine the situation
grub	grub/update_grub_changeprompt_threeway	select	keep_current
# Do you want to upgrade glibc now?
libc6	glibc/upgrade	boolean	true
# Enable PostScript accounting for CUPS?
foomatic-filters	foomatic-filters/ps_accounting	boolean	true
# DNS class search order:
libhesiod0	hesiod/classes	string	IN,HS
# Ignore questions with a priority less than:
# Choices: critical, high, medium, low
debconf	debconf/priority	select	high
# Detecting your keyboard layout
console-setup	console-setup/detect	detect-keyboard	
# Keyboard layout detection complete
console-setup	console-setup/detected	note	
# Enable bitmapped fonts by default?
fontconfig-config	fontconfig/enable_bitmaps	boolean	false
# Remove obsolete /etc/dictionary link?
dictionaries-common	dictionaries-common/old_wordlist_link	boolean	true
# Should mandb build its database now?
man-db	man-db/rebuild-database	boolean	true
# Locality Name
ssl-cert	make-ssl-cert/localityname	string	Some-Locality
# Cannot remove /usr/X11R6/bin directory
x11-common	x11-common/x11r6_bin_not_empty	note	
# Do you want to make fdmount set-user-id root?
fdutils	fdutils/fdmount_setuid	boolean	false
# Hesiod domain for searches:
libhesiod0	hesiod/rhs	string	.canonical.com
# Ignore multiple entries and continue without changes?
# Choices: yes, no
update-inetd	update-inetd/ask-several-entries	select	yes
# Organisation Name
ssl-cert	make-ssl-cert/organisationname	string	One Organization
# Time zone:
# Choices: Amsterdam, Andorra, Athens, Belfast, Belgrade, Berlin, Bratislava, Brussels, Bucharest, Budapest, Chisinau, Copenhagen, Dublin, Gibraltar, Guernsey, Helsinki, Isle of Man, Istanbul, Jersey, Kaliningrad, Kiev, Lisbon, Ljubljana, London, Luxembourg, Madrid, Malta, Mariehamn, Minsk, Monaco, Moscow, Nicosia, Oslo, Paris, Podgorica, Prague, Riga, Rome, Samara, San Marino, Sarajevo, Simferopol, Skopje, Sofia, Stockholm, Tallinn, Tirane, Tiraspol, Uzhgorod, Vaduz, Vatican, Vienna, Vilnius, Volgograd, Warsaw, Zagreb, Zaporozhye, Zurich
tzdata	tzdata/Zones/Europe	select	
# Command to convert standard input to PostScript:
foomatic-filters	foomatic-filters/custom_textfilter	string	
# Update /etc/network/interfaces?
ifupdown	ifupdown/convert-interfaces-hotplug	boolean	true
# Backend to use for TrueType handling on X:
# Choices: freetype, xtt
x-ttcidfont-conf	x-ttcidfont-conf/tt_backend	select	freetype
# Keyboard model:
xserver-xorg	xserver-xorg/config/inputdevice/keyboard/model	string	pc105
# X server driver:
# Choices: 
xserver-xorg	xserver-xorg/config/device/driver	select	
# Hardware Category
hwtest	hwtest/plugins/category_prompt/category	string	
# Use password encryption?
samba-common	samba-common/encrypt_passwords	boolean	true
# Found old rules file
ufw	ufw/oldrules	note	
# Services to restart for GNU libc library upgrade:
libc6	glibc/restart-services	string	
# for internal use
console-setup	console-setup/variantcode	string	
# Modify smb.conf to use WINS settings from DHCP?
samba-common	samba-common/dhcp	boolean	false
# Would you like NetHack's recover utility to be setgid games?
nethack-common	nethack-common/recover-setgid	boolean	false
# Empty value
xserver-xorg	xserver-xorg/config/null_string_error	note	
# for internal use
console-setup	console-setup/codesetcode	string	Uni1
# Would you like debconf to configure pnm2ppa?
pnm2ppa	pnm2ppa/use_debconf	boolean	true
# Unsupported settings in configuration file
console-setup	console-setup/dont_ask_layout	error	
# Do you want to set up the BSD lpd compatibility server?
cupsys-bsd	cupsys-bsd/setuplpd	boolean	false
# Time zone:
# Choices: Abidjan, Accra, Addis Ababa, Algiers, Asmara, Bamako, Bangui, Banjul, Bissau, Blantyre, Brazzaville, Bujumbura, Cairo, Casablanca, Ceuta, Conakry, Dakar, Dar es Salaam, Djibouti, Douala, El-AaiĂșn, Freetown, Gaborone, Harare, Johannesburg, Kampala, Khartoum, Kigali, Kinshasa, Lagos, Libreville, Lome, Luanda, Lubumbashi, Lusaka, Malabo, Maputo, Maseru, Mbabane, Mogadishu, Monrovia, Nairobi, Ndjamena, Niamey, Nouakchott, Ouagadougou, Porto-Novo, Sao Tome, Timbuktu, Tripoli, Tunis, Windhoek
tzdata	tzdata/Zones/Africa	select	
# Location to the local file:
flashplugin-nonfree	flashplugin-nonfree/local	string	
# Update /etc/network/interfaces?
ifupdown	ifupdown/convert-interfaces	boolean	true
# Time zone:
# Choices: Adak, Anchorage, Anguilla, Antigua, Araguaina, Argentina/Buenos_Aires, Argentina/Catamarca, Argentina/Cordoba, Argentina/Jujuy, Argentina/La_Rioja, Argentina/Mendoza, Argentina/Rio_Gallegos, Argentina/San_Juan, Argentina/San_Luis, Argentina/Tucuman, Argentina/Ushuaia, Aruba, Asuncion, Atikokan, Atka, Bahia, Barbados, Belem, Belize, Blanc-Sablon, Boa_Vista, Bogota, Boise, Cambridge_Bay, Campo_Grande, Cancun, Caracas, Cayenne, Cayman, Chicago, Chihuahua, Coral_Harbour, Costa_Rica, Cuiaba, Curacao, Danmarkshavn, Dawson, Dawson_Creek, Denver, Detroit, Dominica, Edmonton, Eirunepe, El_Salvador, Ensenada, Fortaleza, Glace_Bay, Godthab, Goose_Bay, Grand_Turk, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Guayaquil, Guyana, Halifax, Havana, Hermosillo, Indiana/Indianapolis, Indiana/Knox, Indiana/Marengo, Indiana/Petersburg, Indiana/Tell_City, Indiana/Vevay, Indiana/Vincennes, Indiana/Winamac, Inuvik, Iqaluit, Jamaica, Juneau, Kentucky/Louisville, Kentucky/Monticello, La_Paz, Lima, Los_Angeles, Maceio, Managua, Manaus, Marigot, Martinique, Mazatlan, Menominee, Merida, Mexico_City, Miquelon, Moncton, Monterrey, Montevideo, Montreal, Montserrat, Nassau, New_York, Nipigon, Nome, Noronha, North_Dakota/Center, North_Dakota/New_Salem, Panama, Pangnirtung, Paramaribo, Phoenix, Port-au-Prince, Port_of_Spain, Porto_Acre, Porto_Velho, Puerto_Rico, Rainy_River, Rankin_Inlet, Recife, Regina, Resolute, Rio_Branco, Santiago, Santo_Domingo, Sao_Paulo, Scoresbysund, Shiprock, St_Barthelemy, St_Johns, St_Kitts, St_Lucia, St_Thomas, St_Vincent, Swift_Current, Tegucigalpa, Thule, Thunder_Bay, Tijuana, Toronto, Tortola, Vancouver, Virgin, Whitehorse, Winnipeg, Yakutat, Yellowknife
tzdata	tzdata/Zones/America	select	
# dhclient needs restarting
dhcp3-client	dhcp3-client/dhclient-needs-restarting	note	
# Trust new CAs certificates?
# Choices: yes, no, ask
ca-certificates	ca-certificates/trust_new_crts	select	yes
# Failure restarting some services for OpenSSL upgrade
libssl0.9.8	libssl0.9.8/restart-failed	error	
# Email Address
ssl-cert	make-ssl-cert/email	string	webmaster@localhost
# for internal use
console-setup	console-setup/modelcode	string	pc105
# Workgroup/Domain Name:
samba-common	samba-common/workgroup	string	WORKGROUP
# Display manager must be restarted manually
libpam0g	libpam0g/xdm-needs-restart	error	
# Automatically detect and configure your modem?
wvdial	wvdial/wvdialconf	boolean	true
# Users allowed to start the X server:
# Choices: Root Only, Console Users Only, Anybody
x11-common	x11-common/xwrapper/allowed_users	select	Console Users Only
# Should man and mandb be installed 'setuid man'?
man-db	man-db/install-setuid	boolean	false
# Detect keyboard layout?
console-setup	console-setup/ask_detect	boolean	true
# Failure restarting some services for GNU libc upgrade
libc6	glibc/restart-failed	error	
# AltGr key replacement:
# Choices: No AltGr key, Right Alt, Right Control, Menu key, Right Logo key, Left Logo key, Both Logo keys, Left Alt
console-setup	console-setup/altgr	select	No AltGr key
# Cannot remove /usr/X11R6/bin directory
x11-common	x11-common/x11r6_bin_not_empty_move	note	
# Line by line differences between versions
ucf	ucf/show_diff	note	
# Install dash as /bin/sh?
dash	dash/sh	boolean	true
# Incorrect format for the bus identifier
xserver-xorg	xserver-xorg/config/device/bus_id_error	note	
# Move non-FHS stuff under /usr/dict to /usr/dict-pre-FHS?
dictionaries-common	dictionaries-common/move_old_usr_dict	boolean	true
# State or Province Name
ssl-cert	make-ssl-cert/statename	string	Some-State
# Virtual consoles in use:
console-setup	console-setup/ttys	string	/dev/tty[1-6]
# Please configure a multicast route in /etc/network/interfaces
libslp1	libslp1/multicast-route	error	
# What model of HP Deskjet printer do you use?
# Choices: 710, 712, 720, 722, 820, 1000
pnm2ppa	pnm2ppa/printer_model	select	710
# Failure restarting some services for PAM upgrade
libpam0g	libpam0g/restart-failed	error	
# User name
wvdial	wvdial/login	string	
# System's default paper size:
# Choices: letter, a4, note, legal, executive, halfletter, halfexecutive, 11x17, statement, folio, quarto, 10x14, ledger, tabloid, a0, a1, a2, a3, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, c5, DL, Comm10, Monarch, archE, archD, archC, archB, archA, flsa, flse, csheet, dsheet, esheet
libpaper1	libpaper/defaultpaper	select	letter
# Default display manager:
# Choices: gdm
gdm	shared/default-x-display-manager	select	gdm
# Geographic area:
# Choices: Africa, America, Antarctica, Australia, Arctic Ocean, Asia, Atlantic Ocean, Europe, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, System V timezones, None of the above
tzdata	tzdata/Areas	select	Etc
# Leave existing entry and continue without changes?
# Choices: yes, no
update-inetd	update-inetd/ask-entry-present	select	yes
# Keyboard model:
# Choices: A4Tech KB-21, A4Tech KBS-8, A4Tech Wireless Desktop RFKB-23, ACPI Standard, Acer AirKey V, Acer C300, Acer Ferrari 4000, Acer Laptop, Advance Scorpius KI, Amiga, Apple Laptop, Apple, Asus Laptop, Atari TT, Azona RF2300 wireless Internet Keyboard, BTC 5090, BTC 5113RF Multimedia, BTC 5126T, BTC 6301URF, BTC 9000, BTC 9000A, BTC 9001AH, BTC 9019U, BenQ X-Touch, Brazilian ABNT2, Brother Internet Keyboard, Cherry Blue Line CyBo@rd (alternate option), Cherry Blue Line CyBo@rd, Cherry CyBo@rd USB-Hub, Cherry CyMotion Master Linux, Cherry CyMotion Master XPress, Chicony Internet Keyboard, Chicony KB-9885, Chicony KU-0108, Classmate PC, Compaq Easy Access Keyboard, Compaq Internet Keyboard (13 keys), Compaq Internet Keyboard (18 keys), Compaq Internet Keyboard (7 keys), Compaq iPaq Keyboard, DTK2000, Dell 101-key PC, Dell Laptop/notebook Inspiron 6xxx/8xxx, Dell Laptop/notebook Precision M series, Dell Latitude series laptop, Dell Precision M65, Dell USB Multimedia Keybard, Dell, Dexxa Wireless Desktop Keyboard, Diamond 9801 / 9802 series, Do not configure keyboard; keep kernel keymap, Ennyah DKB-1008, Evdev-managed keyboard, Everex STEPnote, Fujitsu-Siemens Computers AMILO A1667G laptop, Generic 101-key PC, Generic 102-key (Intl) PC, Generic 104-key PC, Generic 105-key (Intl) PC, Genius Comfy KB-12e, Genius Comfy KB-16M / Genius MM Keyboard KWD-910, Genius Comfy KB-21e-Scroll, Genius KB-19e NB, Gyration, Happy Hacking Keyboard for Mac, Happy Hacking Keyboard, Hewlett-Packard Internet Keyboard, Hewlett-Packard Omnibook 500 FA, Hewlett-Packard Omnibook 5xx, Hewlett-Packard Omnibook 6000/6100, Hewlett-Packard Omnibook XE3 GC, Hewlett-Packard Omnibook XE3 GF, Hewlett-Packard Omnibook XT1000, Hewlett-Packard Pavilion ZT11xx, Hewlett-Packard SK-2501 Multimedia Keyboard, Hewlett-Packard SK-2505 Internet Keyboard, Honeywell Euroboard, IBM Rapid Access II (alternate option), IBM Rapid Access II, IBM Rapid Access, IBM ThinkPad 560Z/600/600E/A22E, IBM ThinkPad 560Z/600/600E/A22E\, Intl, Japanese 106-key, Keytronic FlexPro, Korean 106-key, Laptop/notebook Compaq (eg. Armada) Laptop Keyboard, Laptop/notebook Compaq (eg. Presario) Internet Keyboard, Laptop/notebook eMachines m68xx, Logitech Access Keyboard, Logitech Cordless Desktop (alternate option), Logitech Cordless Desktop EX110, Logitech Cordless Desktop LX-300, Logitech Cordless Desktop Navigator, Logitech Cordless Desktop Pro (alternate option2), Logitech Cordless Desktop, Logitech Cordless Freedom/Desktop Navigator, Logitech G15 extra keys via G15daemon, Logitech Internet Keyboard, Logitech Internet Navigator Keyboard, Logitech Ultra-X Cordless Media Desktop Keyboard, Logitech Ultra-X Keyboard, Logitech diNovo Edge Keyboard, Logitech diNovo Keyboard, Logitech iTouch Cordless Keyboard (model Y-RB6), Logitech iTouch Internet Navigator Keyboard SE (USB), Logitech iTouch Internet Navigator Keyboard SE, Logitech iTouch, MacBook/MacBook Pro (Intl), MacBook/MacBook Pro, Macintosh Old, Macintosh, Memorex MX1998, Memorex MX2500 EZ-Access Keyboard, Memorex MX2750, Microsoft Internet Keyboard Pro\, Swedish, Microsoft Internet Keyboard, Microsoft Natural Keyboard Elite, Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro / Microsoft Internet Keyboard Pro, Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro OEM, Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro USB / Microsoft Internet Keyboard Pro, Microsoft Natural, Microsoft Office Keyboard, Microsoft Wireless Multimedia Keyboard 1.0A, Northgate OmniKey 101, OLPC, Ortek MCK-800 MM/Internet keyboard, PC-98xx Series, Propeller Voyager (KTEZ-1000), QTronix Scorpius 98N+, SILVERCREST Multimedia Wireless Keyboard, SK-1300, SK-2500, SK-6200, SK-7100, SVEN Ergonomic 2500, Samsung SDM 4500P, Samsung SDM 4510P, Sun Type 4, Sun Type 5, Super Power Multimedia Keyboard, Symplon PaceBook (tablet PC), Toshiba Satellite S3000, Trust Direct Access Keyboard, Trust Wireless Keyboard Classic, Winbook Model XP5, Yahoo! Internet Keyboard
console-setup	console-setup/model	select	Generic 105-key (Intl) PC
# Video card's bus identifier:
xserver-xorg	xserver-xorg/config/device/bus_id	string	
# Font size:
# Choices: 
console-setup	console-setup/fontsize-fb	select	16
# (for internal use only)
foomatic-filters	foomatic-filters/config_parsed	boolean	true
# Major possible upgrade issues
x11-common	x11-common/upgrade_issues	note	
# Should NetHack back up your old, incompatible save files?
# Choices: abort, backup, purge, ignore
nethack-common	nethack-common/backup-incompatible	select	backup
# Printer spooler backend for Foomatic:
# Choices: cups, lpd, lprng, pdq, ppr, direct
foomatic-filters	foomatic-filters/spooler	select	cups
# Transport URL
hwtest	hwtest/plugins/launchpad_exchange/transport_url	string	https://launchpad.net/+hwdb/+submit
# HTTP Proxy
hwtest	hwtest/plugins/proxy_info/http_proxy	string	
# dhclient-script moved
dhcp3-client	dhcp3-client/dhclient-script_moved	note	
# Do you accept the license and do you want to download the flash plugin now?
flashplugin-nonfree	flashplugin-nonfree/httpget	boolean	false
# Ghostscript interpreter to be used by Foomatic:
# Choices: gs, gs-gnu, gs-esp, gs-afpl, Custom
foomatic-filters	foomatic-filters/gspath	select	gs
# Method for temporarily toggle between national and Latin input:
# Choices: No temporary switch, Right Alt, Left Alt, Right Logo key, Left Logo key, Both Logo keys
console-setup	console-setup/switch	select	No temporary switch
# Configure smb.conf automatically?
samba-common	samba-common/do_debconf	boolean	true
# Command for converting text files to PostScript:
# Choices: Automagic, a2ps, mpage, enscript, Custom
foomatic-filters	foomatic-filters/textfilter	select	Automagic
# Manual configuration required after installation
dhcp3-server	dhcp3-server/config_warn	note	
# Set of characters that should be supported by the console font:
# Choices: . Arabic, # Armenian, # Cyrillic - KOI8-R and KOI8-U, # Cyrillic - non-Slavic languages, # Cyrillic - Slavic languages (also Bosnian and Serbian Latin), . Ethiopic, # Georgian, # Greek, # Hebrew, # Lao, # Latin1 and Latin5 - western Europe and Turkic languages, # Latin2 - central Europe and Romanian, # Latin3 and Latin8 - Chichewa; Esperanto; Irish; Maltese and Welsh, # Latin7 - Lithuanian; Latvian; Maori and Marshallese, . Latin - Vietnamese, # Thai, . Combined - Latin; Slavic Cyrillic; Hebrew; basic Arabic, . Combined - Latin; Slavic Cyrillic; Greek, . Combined - Latin; Slavic and non-Slavic Cyrillic
console-setup	console-setup/codeset	select	. Combined - Latin; Slavic Cyrillic; Hebrew; basic Arabic
# Custom Ghostscript interpreter path:
foomatic-filters	foomatic-filters/custom_gspath	string	
# Time zone:
# Choices: Azores, Bermuda, Canary, Cape Verde, Faroe, Jan Mayen, Madeira, Reykjavik, South Georgia, St. Helena, Stanley
tzdata	tzdata/Zones/Atlantic	select	
# Cache File
hwtest	hwtest/plugins/launchpad_report/cache_file	string	/var/cache/hwtest/submission.xml
# The desktop environment to install when the desktop task is selected
# Choices: gnome, kde, xfce
tasksel	tasksel/desktop	multiselect	gnome
# Keyboard options:
xserver-xorg	xserver-xorg/config/inputdevice/keyboard/options	string	
# Hesiod prefix for searches:
libhesiod0	hesiod/lhs	string	.ns
# What would you like to do about ?
# Choices: install the package maintainer's version, keep the local version currently installed, show the differences between the versions, show a side-by-side difference between the versions, show a 3-way difference between available versions, do a 3-way merge between available versions (experimental), start a new shell to examine the situation
ucf	ucf/changeprompt_threeway	select	keep_current
# Remove obsolete /usr/dict symlink?
dictionaries-common	dictionaries-common/remove_old_usr_dict_link	boolean	false
# XKB rule set to use:
xserver-xorg	xserver-xorg/config/inputdevice/keyboard/rules	string	xorg
# Autodetect keyboard layout?
xserver-xorg	xserver-xorg/autodetect_keyboard	boolean	false
# Method for toggling between national and Latin mode:
# Choices: Caps Lock, Right Alt, Right Control, Right Shift, Right Logo key, Menu key, Alt+Shift, Control+Shift, Shift+Caps Lock, Control+Alt, Both Shift keys together, Both Control keys together, Both Alt keys together, Left Alt, Left Control, Left Shift, Left Logo key, No toggling
console-setup	console-setup/toggle	select	No toggling
# Font for the console:
# Choices: Fixed, VGA
console-setup	console-setup/fontface	select	Fixed
# Enable logging debug output into a logfile (INSECURE)?
foomatic-filters	foomatic-filters/filter_debug	boolean	false
# Should cpufreq-selector run with root privileges?
gnome-applets	gnome-applets/cpufreq_SUID_bit	boolean	false
# for internal use
console-setup	console-setup/fontsize	string	16
# Time zone:
# Choices: Antananarivo, Chagos, Christmas, Cocos, Comoro, Kerguelen, Mahe, Maldives, Mauritius, Mayotte, Reunion
tzdata	tzdata/Zones/Indian	select	
# Which tasks should be shown:
tasksel	tasksel/limit-tasks	string	

Last modified: 2008-09-18. Permanent url: http://www.iki.fi/karvinen/ubuntu_preseed_sample.html

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