Dyfi - moduli

Dyfi - Asentaa dyfi-update daemonin, joka pitää http://dy.fi:ssä varatun hostnamen varattuna palvelimen ip:lle.

Ladattavissa täältä.


Testattu seuraavilla käyttöjärjestelmillä:

Xubuntu 12.10 32-bit

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64-bit

Debian 6.0 64-bit


├── files
│   ├── COPYING
│   ├── dyfi-update
│   ├── dyfi-update.conf
│   ├── dyfi-update.pl
│   ├── Makefile
│   └── README
├── manifests
│   ├── config.pp
│   ├── init.pp
│   ├── install.pp
│   ├── params.pp
│   └── service.pp
└── templates
    └── dyfi-update.conf.erb


# Puppet module: dyfi   #

This module installs and manages dyfi-update daemon.
Dyfi-update daemon resfreshes the specified hostname at 'http://dy.fi'.

# TODO before using  #

Check dyfi::params for wanted specifications.
Fill '$email', '$password' and '$host' with your own information.

# Sample usage #

include dyfi

# Author #

Made by Sampo Tyllilä <sampo.tyllila@gmail.com>

# License #

This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

Manifests kansion sisältö:


# == Class: dyfi
# This module manages domain hostname refreshing from dy.fi.
# === Parameters
# [*email*] - The email of dy.fi account.
# [*password*] - The password of dy.fi account.
# [*host*]    - The hostname to refresh.
# [*release*] - Whether to release hostname when service is shutted down or not.
# === Examples
# See README for details.
# === Author
# Sampo Tyllilä 
class dyfi (
        $email    = $dyfi::params::email,
        $password = $dyfi::params::password,
        $host     = $dyfi::params::host,
        $release  = $dyfi::params::release
)       inherits dyfi::params {

        include dyfi::params, dyfi::install, dyfi::config, dyfi::service



# == Class: dyfi::install
# This module creates '/etc/dyfi' directory, transfers
# there files that are needed to instal dyfi-update and installs make.
# === Author
# Sampo Tyllilä 
class dyfi::install {

        package { 'make':
                ensure => latest,

        file { '/etc/dyfi-update':
                ensure => directory,

        file { '/etc/dyfi-update/Makefile':
                ensure  => file,
                source  => "puppet:///modules/dyfi/Makefile",
                require => File["/etc/dyfi-update"],

        file { '/etc/dyfi-update/dyfi-update':
                ensure  => present,
                source  => "puppet:///modules/dyfi/dyfi-update",
               require => File["/etc/dyfi-update"],

        file { '/etc/dyfi-update/dyfi-update.pl':
                ensure  => present,
                source  => "puppet:///modules/dyfi/dyfi-update.pl",
                require => File["/etc/dyfi-update"],

        file { '/etc/dyfi-update/README':
                ensure  => present,
                source  => "puppet:///modules/dyfi/README",
                require => File["/etc/dyfi-update"],

        file { '/etc/dyfi-update/COPYING':
                ensure  => present,
                source  => "puppet:///modules/dyfi/COPYING",
                require => File["/etc/dyfi-update"],



# == Class: dyfi::service
# This class manages dyfi-update service.
# === Requires
# The dyfi::config class.
# === Author
# Sampo Tyllilä 
class dyfi::service {
        service { "dyfi-update":
                ensure => running,
                enable => true,
                require => Class["dyfi::config"],


# == Class: dyfi::config
# This class manages '/usr/local/etc/dyfi-update.conf' and installs dyfi-update.
# === Requires
# The dyfi::install class.
# === Subscribes
# The File["/usr/local/etc/dyfi-update.conf"] resource.
# === Author
# Sampo Tyllilä 
class dyfi::config {
        file { "/usr/local/etc/dyfi-update.conf":
                ensure => file,
                content => template("dyfi/dyfi-update.conf.erb"),
                owner => "root",
                group => "root",
                mode => 644,
                require => Class["dyfi::install"],

        exec { "install dyfi":
                cwd => "/etc/dyfi-update",
                command => "/usr/bin/make install",
                subscribe => File["/usr/local/etc/dyfi-update.conf"],


# == Class: dyfi::params
# This class manages the parameters of this dyfi module.
# === Parameters
# [*email*] - The email of dy.fi account.
# [*password*] - The password of dy.fi account.
# [*host*]    - The hostname to refresh.
# [*release*] - Whether to release hostname when service is shutted down or not.
# === Author
# Sampo Tyllilä 
class dyfi::params {
        $email    = 'email@email.com'
        $password = 'MyPassword'
        $host     = 'MyHost.dy.fi'
        $release  = 'no'

Templates kansion sisältö:


# dyfi-update.pl config file
# use the -f option of dyfi-update.pl to specify the
# location of this file. If the -f option is not given,
# the script expects to get all parameters on the command line.
# Please remember - dyfi-update.pl is a daemon. Do not put it in
# crontab. Run it from an init script when booting.

# dy.fi username (email address) and password:
User            <%= email %>
Password        <%= password %>

# List of hostnames to point to the address of the host where the
# dyfi-update.pl client is running
Hosts           <%= host %>

# Release hosts when shutting down? Set to 'no' or comment the
# following line out to disable releasing hosts at shutdown.
# With the 'offline URL' feature of dy.fi, and automatic
# releasing, you can forward web browsers to another URL while
# your home web server is down.
Release         <%= release %>

# Log file: filename or - for stdout
Logfile         /var/log/dyfi-update.log

# Write the PID of the dyfi-update.pl process to this file
# This is a mandatory parameter, a PID file is required for
# the 'rabbit check' (makes sure only one copy of dyfi-update
# is running at a time).
Pidfile         /var/run/dyfi-update.pid

Files kansion sisältö:

Koostuu tiedostoista, jotka ovat ladattavissa http://www.dy.fi/files/dyfi-update-pl-1.2.0.tar.gz


Modulin toteutuksessa tulisi käyttää tyyliä, joka kopioisi koko 'Files' kansion sisällön yhdellä komennolla kohteeseen.