Mumble - moduli
Mumble - Asentaa Mumble-server:n ja ylläpitää sitä.
Ladattavissa täältä.
Testattu seuraavilla käyttöjärjestelmillä:
Xubuntu 12.10 32-bit
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64-bit
Debian 6.0 64-bit
mumble ├── manifests │ ├── config.pp │ ├── init.pp │ ├── install.pp │ ├── params.pp │ └── service.pp ├── README └── templates └── mumble-server.ini.erb
######################### # Puppet module: mumble # ######################### This module installs and manages mumble-server. ###################### # TODO before using # ###################### Check mumble::params for wanted specifications. ################ # Sample usage # ################ include mumble ########## # Author # ########## Made by Sampo Tyllilä <> ########### # License # ########### This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
Manifests kansion sisältö:
# == Class: mumble # # This module manages mumble-server. # # === Parameters # # [*package*] - The name of the package to install. # [*service*] - The name of the managed service. # [*config*] - The config to use with mumble-server. # [*password*] - The password to the mumble-server. # [*port*] - The port to listen. # [*bandwidth*] - The bandwidth of the mumble-server # [*users*] - The number of users allowed to the mumble-server. # [*welcometext*] - The welcometext appearing when connecting the mumble-server. # # === Examples # # See README for details. # # === Author # # Sampo Tyllilä# class mumble ( $package = $mumble::params::package, $service = $mumble::params::service, $config = $mumble::params::config, $password = $mumble::params::password, $port = $mumble::params::port, $bandwidth = $mumble::params::bandwidth, $users = $mumble::params::users, $welcometext = $mumble::params::welcometext ) inherits mumble::params { include mumble::params, mumble::install, mumble::service, mumble::config }
# == Class: mumble::install # # This module installs mumble-server. # # === Parameters # # [*package*] - The name of the package to install. # # === Author # # Sampo Tyllilä# class mumble::install { package { $package: ensure => latest, } }
# == Class: mumble::service # # This class manages mumble-server service. # # === Parameters # # [*service*] - The name of the managed service. # # === Requires # # The mumble::install class. # # === Author # # Sampo Tyllilä# class mumble::service { service { $service: ensure => running, enable => true, require => Class['mumble::install'], } }
# == Class: mumble::config # # This class manages '/etc/mumble-server.ini'. # # === Parameters # # No parameters in this class. # # === Requires # # The mumble::install class. # # === Notifies # # The mumble::service class. # # === Author # # Sampo Tyllilä# class mumble::config { file { '/etc/mumble-server.ini': ensure => present, content => template('mumble/mumble-server.ini.erb'), owner => 'root', group => 'mumble-server', mode => '0640', require => Class['mumble::install'], notify => Class['mumble::service'], } }
# == Class: mumble::params # # This class manages the parameters of this mumble module. # # === Parameters # # [*package*] - The name of the package to install. # [*service*] - The name of the managed service. # [*config*] - The config to use with mumble-server. # [*password*] - The password to the mumble-server. # [*port*] - The port to listen. # [*bandwidth*] - The bandwidth of the mumble-server # [*users*] - The number of users allowed to the mumble-server. # [*welcometext*] - The welcometext appearing when connecting the mumble-server. # # === Author # # Sampo Tyllilä# class mumble::params { $package = 'mumble-server' $service = 'mumble-server' $config = '/etc/mumble-server.ini' $password = '' $bandwidth = '72000' $port = '64738' $users = '20' $welcometext = "Welcome to the Mumble-Server!" }
Templates kansion sisältö:
database=/var/lib/mumble-server/mumble-server.sqlite dbus=system ice="tcp -h -p 6502" icesecretwrite= logfile=/var/log/mumble-server/mumble-server.log pidfile=/var/run/mumble-server/ welcometext=<%= welcometext %> port=<%= port %> serverpassword=<%= password %> bandwidth=<%= bandwidth %> users=<%= users %> uname=mumble-server [Ice] Ice.Warn.UnknownProperties=1 Ice.MessageSizeMax=65536