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Implementing Free Software Solution in Workstations - Case: Linux in Helia


This paper examines possibilities of replacing proprietary software in workstations with Free software. The main point of interest is the use of Free software in medium to large organizations. In addition to the obvious benefit of saving licensing costs, other possible benefits of Free software are listed.

Method used in this thesis is constructive case research. The definitions and benefits are searched from previous research and the publications of Free software organizations. An installable example solution is produced. The example solution is then used in a test environment.

As the result, Free software was defined and a simple criteria for choosing Free software was discussed. A working and installable example implementation of a Free software workstation was created and tested. Tools required for administering a large network of workstations were used as system in a test environment, except for centralized user authentication. Even though the specific software versions and products change trough time, the evaluation criteria, the needs for workstations and even the protocols used are likely to be the same for a long time. It is possible to implement a whole workstation with Free software, and thus it is possible to get all software for workstations at no cost.

Keywords: Free software, Linux, GNU, license, distribution, workstation

Permanen url: http://www.iki.fi/karvinen/freehelia/.

Copyright Tero Karvinen 2005. www.iki.fi/karvinen

Paper Contents

1. Introduction

2. Licenses and the Definition of Free Software

3. Software and Operating System for Workstations

4. Administration of Workstations

5. Practical Recommendation for Case Organization

6. Conclusions

7. References

8. Appendixes

Next Introduction

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Last modified: 2006-03-07. Permanent url: http://www.iki.fi/karvinen/freehelia.html

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