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Un - uncompress many archive formats

# echo "un - extract archive in a new directory. Usage: un <archivefile>"
# (c) 198x-2005 Tero.Karvinen atSign iki.fi GNU General Public Licence
# 2006-01-24 Published on the web page, removed some unneeded uncompressors. 
# 2006-01-16 Added lzop support (for hdup)
# 2005-10-02 Changed "unrar" to "rar x" because the program is better and syntax does not change.
# 2005-09-24 Deb support. 
# 2005-05-24 Support .xpi mozilla extensions and jar. 
# 2005-01-07 Adapt for sarge version of unrar. Improved directory handling. 
# 2004-10-26 Fix: no longer lose part of version number when removing suffix. Third less code. 
# 2003-09-09 Rewrote as original was lost. License GPL.
# 198x, 199x	First version for (Digital?) unix
# requires: perl, unpackers
### unpack and it's helper functions
unpack() # unpack archive  to a new directory
	F=`echo $1|tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
	case "$F" in
		*.tar.gz)	S=".tar.gz";	P="tar -zxvf";;
		*.tgz)		S=".tgz"; 	P="tar -zxvf";;
		*.tar.bz2)	S=".tar.bz2";	P="tar -jxvf";; # tested
		*.tar.bzip2)	S=".tar.bzip2";	P="tar -jxvf";;
		*.zip) 		S=".zip";	P="unzip";;
		#*.rpm)		S=".rpm";  	P="rpm2cpio TARGET |cpio -dvi";; # not working (yet)
		*.tar) 		S=".tar";	P="tar -xvf";;
		*.bz2) 		S=".bz2";	P="bunzip2 -d -v";; # .tar.bz2 is preferred over this
		#*.gz) P="gunzip -d -v";;
		*.arj) 		S=".arj";	P="unarj";;
		*.lha) 		S=".lha";	P="lha x";;
		*.ace) 		S=".ace";	P="unace";;
		*.rar) 		S=".rar";	P="rar x";;	# on some systems "unrar", others "unrar x"
		*.cab) 		S=".cab";	P="cabextract";; # some .cab:s need unshield (apt-get install unshield)
		#*.cpio) P="cpio -dvi" # what is the suffix?
		*.Z) 		S=".Z";		P="uncompress";;
		*.zoo) 		S=".zoo";	P="zoo -extract";;	
		*.chm)		S=".chm";	P="chmextract";;
		*.xpi)		S=".xpi";	P="unzip";;
		*.jar)		S=".jar";	P="jar xvf";;
		*.tnef)		S=".tnef";	P="echo ms-tnef not yet supported, try: tnef";;
		*.deb)		S=".deb";	P="ar xv";;
		*.lzo)		S=".lzo";	P="lzop -x";;
		*) echo " - not a known archive, skipping. " ;;
	DIR=`echo ""|perl -pe "s/$S//"`;	# Currently not removing suffix with CAPS
	if [ -e $DIR ]; then
		DIR=$DIR-$RANDOM;	# Should we allways add random number foo.zip-1231?
	if [ -e $DIR ]; then
		echo " - $DIR allready exists, SKIPPING"
		echo "###  - Extracting with '$P' to dir \"$DIR\""
		mkdir "$DIR"
		cd "$DIR"
		mv "../" .
		$P "" |tr '\n' '   ' && echo ""
		mv "" ..
		cd ..
		if [[ 1 -eq "`ls|wc -l`" ]]; then 	# wrongly assumes that it allways contains a dir
			echo "removing unneeded nested directory"
			cd "$EXTRADIR"
			mv * ..
			cd ..
			rmdir "$EXTRADIR"
			cd ..
		echo "#  extracted to \"$DIR\""
		echo ""
### Main ###
if [ -z $1 ]; then 
	echo "un - extract archive in a new directory. Usage: un <archivefile>" 
while [ ! -z "" ] 
	if [ -d "" ]; then 
		echo " - directory, skipping"
		unpack ""
		DONE="$DONE ";
	cd $PWD;
echo "### Processed: $DONE";
### (c)198x-2005 Tero.Karvinen atSign iki.fi GNU General Public Licence
### http://www.iki.fi/karvinen

Last modified: 2006-01-25. Permanent url: http://www.iki.fi/karvinen/un.html

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