Coding? Want to see browser on the left and code editor on the right? No problem, 2dresize can position your windows so that your display is excactly halved.
Edit: You need 2dresize when running 10.04 LTS. Starting at Ubuntu 11.04, it seems you can automatically resize windows by dragging them to screen borders.
– Precisely position windows
– Works on normal Gnome (aka “Ubuntu Classic Desktop”)
– No 3D acceleration needed
– Python, and well under 100 lines of code
– Free software, GPL
Installation and Usage:
Download 2dresize-0.2.tar.gz
$ tar -xf 2dresize*.tar.gz $ ./2dresize
Click on the star icon on the Notification Area. It’s on the right of top panel.
Test reports
Did it work for you? Please add a comment to this mail. For example: “2resize works great! Tried 2dresize 0.1 on a 32 bit fUbuntu 11.05 and Ubuntu Classic Desktop (Gnome). ” Thanks!