This is a happy day!
Rasbperry Pi 30 EUR Linux computer launched
- 35 USD
- Fedora Linux
- HDMI (full 1080p HD), USB, 100 Mbit/s Ethernet
- 700 MHz ARM, 256 MB RAM
Raspberry Pi (homepage, Wikipedia) sells trough major electronic distributors: RS Components (register to express an interest), Farnell (servers overloaded) and Element 14 (50 USD, month backorder).
In Finland, Yleiselektroniikka is reselling RS Components products, but they couldn’t immidiately respond to my email. Update: Yleiselektroniikka (RS Components reseller) will sell Rasperry Pi but doesn’t know yet when.
IPv6 is finally here – get 4000 IP-addresses
- Linode virtual hosts get 4000+ IP addresses (affiliate link)
- Google, Cisco, AT&T, Akamai, Facebook and many others permanently enable IPv6 on 2012-06-06.
Billions of IP-addresses for everyone
- IPv4 address is 32 bits short, eg.
- IPv6 address is 128 bits long, eg. 2001:0db8:85a3:0000: 0000:8a2e:0370:7334
- There are a lot of IPv6 addresses: 2**128 ≈ 3,4 * 10**38. That’s 39 digits!
- Billions of addresses for every person in the planet (2**128 addresses /7e9 persons ≈ 5e28 addresses / person)
- Linux has supported IPv6 for a long time, just try ‘ifconfig’