Bike & White Bread
Welcome to Bike & Bread Ltd, a leading hospitality concept startup. This is us: Riku Risuparta, Liisa Lenkkipolku, Väinö Äijälä and John Doe.
Install us a workstation with OpenOffice (or whatever it’s called nowadays).
We believe in publishing our work. Make us sample homepages to edit.
We need a secure way to access the computer from internet cafes when we bike around. Set up necessary services.
Liisa is writing a breakthrough software, BikeConceptor. To support Linux, Mac, Windows, Android and iOS, it will be PHP. Set up PHP “hello world” so that Liisa can get started quickly.
Help Liisa pick a license for BikeConceptor. Liisa: “It should be Free software. But I don’t want anyone to just take it and turn it into proprietary software. ” Pick a license, and write a short (max 1000 characters) explanation of the license chosen.
Put a list of passwords (including yours) in a text file “users.txt” on your own home directory. Protect it with ‘chmod og-rwx users.txt’.
Rules briefly
Forbidden: Two-way communication, any items not specifically allowed, speaking without permission, looking others monitors.
Forbidden: Paper notes, mobile phones, logging in to anything else but the local computer.
Allowed: Browsing public web, using search engines.
The End
Verify that you have
All required documents and tests open on your screen (this is how I evaluate it). The file with all passwords (including the one with sudo) on screen. A big window (like browser) covering other windows.
Your name and student number is on the documents
Your screen is unlocked and your saver will not lock the screen
Did you leave feedback: Did you learn something? Was it usefull? How are you going to use skills after course? Which class was the most interesting? Would you recommend this course to a friend or a collegue? Anything else on your mind?
Thank you! Remember to play with Linux at home.