What’s Haaga-Helia “Digital Business” unit in Finnish? What about “senior lecturer”?
Download haagahelia20161129.zip. This short dictionary contains vocabulary specific to Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences. Some of it is defined by Haaga-Helia, such as the names of organizational units.
Also check out my more general purpose dictionaries, 50k+ word Finnish-English and programmer’s dictionaries.
The vocabulary is copyright Haaga-Helia.
You need Free program GoldenDict to use this dictionary.
How to Use
GoldenDict is a Free dictionary program available for Linux, Windows and Mac. Here are the instructions for Linux.
$ sudo apt-get -y install goldendict $ goldendict
Edit: Dictionaries: Add. Select the folder where you extracted the dictionaries (like koko.dsl). Enable “Recursive” checkbox. Rescan now. OK.
To disable (broken) web search to English Wikipedia: Edit: Sources: Wikipedia: Uncheck all checkboxes. OK.
And you’re golden! Type a word to the search box and press enter.